Celibate priests

Very busy weekend for me, I attended a seminar on Parenting. It was quite interesting and the speaker was very passionate about his standards for the family.

The seminar discussed a few rules towards raising good children and having a good home. I must say that the speaker hit a good number of acceptable points. But there were issues he raised and I said in my mind, “No I don’t want my boys to be that way”. I am a bit old school when it comes to husband and wife relationships.

He talked about men doing certain things at home, like cooking, mopping etc, the children will learn by seeing. True, I totally agree.  If my husband could cook and decides he wants to cook for me, fine, it shouldn’t be a shared duty. Cooking is the wife’s duty, if you the woman cannot cook; please find a way to take care of your mess. The kitchen is your business.  For the house chores, a man who decides to do house chores just because he cannot stay in a dirty environment totally rocks. The only problem is that he is married to a dirty woman. Why will a wife stay and watch the man do the house chores? Just picture this, she is lying down or watching a programme on television and he is mopping the floor. Some wives even raise their legs for the husband to sweep under where they are sitting. If the husband decides to help because there is no domestic staff and the chores are too many for one person, then that is a better deal. Yes I say help, because it is the wife’s duty to keep her home clean. If she is pregnant, sick or genuinely tired that is understandable.

I am not a feminist; I don’t even pretend to be one. I belong to the era, where the man worked hard to provide everything for his family. Before he gets back from work, the wife would have prepared dinner and she serves him once he gets out of the shower. While he eats, they discuss the events of the day and plan for the future. I particularly like the one where the wife waits for the man so they can both eat together. I tried it, but it didn’t work, I really cannot stay hungry that long.

The speaker said he baby sits and does not expect a “Thank you” because he did it for his child. No problem, but your wife saying thank you shows that she appreciates you. I am not for equality in marriage, nope, someone has a higher authority and it is the man. To me, the husband provides security, he pays all the bills; he ensures that everything works in the house, the pumping machine, the cable TV, generator and all those hard things. He gives the wife money for the upkeep of the house which includes food, house chores, laundry, ironing and other things as agreed. Then the wife engages those who provide such services.

There are things I will not do though; I will not start the generator when my husband is at home except I am standing by the generator when the power goes off. If there is no security man to do it, then it is the man’s duty. Another thing I hate to do is to be the one who goes round after everyone has gone to bed to ensure everywhere is properly locked. I do it sometimes because I care about my children’s safety.

A typical home for me is one where the husband provides every single thing, comfort and money. The wife even though she works saves her money for the family to fall back on in the possible event of any misfortune. In return for providing all that the family needs, the wife treats the husband like a king; she must ensure that the husband comes home to a clean house and good food. She runs the home with the money provided by the husband. However she wants to do it, He must have clean underwear and clothes to put on each time.

A man should be allowed to be a man, when your car breaks down on the road, call him even if he is out of town, when you have a flat tyre and there is no vulcaniser in sight, call him, when the police arrests you for a traffic offence, call him, when you get into a fight, call him, when you cannot change the bulb, call him but do not reduce him to a casual guy just because he loves you. I hate it when men love sheepishly.

The clause here is that if the tables turn around and the wife becomes the chief income earner, then the husband has to adjust a bit. The woman cannot provide the money and still run all the domestics of the home. It is at this point that the husband has to eat humble pie and help with some of the house chores, i.e. if there is no domestic staff.

I pity men who the tables have turned around on; women are not built to be breadwinners. A stranger, who comes into a home where the woman is in charge financially, decodes this immediately from the woman’s attitude. A friend once asked me why I needed my husband’s permission to travel, and I told her it was because he bought the tickets. She laughed and told me that all she needed to do was buy her ticket and notify her husband that she would be travelling on a particular day. I pity such men who have been reduced to mere figure heads in their families.

A few women who are mainly found in the MSW category know how to hold it down when the tables turn. These ones still run things in partnership with the husbands. They ensure that the dignity of the husband is upheld. Nothing hurts a good man as much as his inability to provide for his family. I say a good man because some men are just USELESS. From the get go, they provide nada for the family and they don’t even care. They never have enough yet they spend the little they have on frivolities. These ones don’t qualify to be treated as kings. They should be made to wash plates and pots.

I am raising boys who will provide for their families, they are well domesticated too. I want them to be well grounded, know how to cook and do house chores; wash cars, change tyres and all but they will not be any woman’s slave. They will do house chores because they want to, because they were raised to keep their environments clean or stand in for a wife who is indisposed (in the absence of a house keeper) and not because one lazy wife who was not properly raised wants to share the house chores.

I pray that they fall in love with the right women and the ones who will not; I pray that God will take them to work in his vineyard as celibate priests.


  1. Some of the things you said are not practical in the western world where both parents have to pull their weight looking after the kids, finance and the house.

  2. It was society that ascribed some of these roles to gender and not God. It would be good to encourage your children to do house Chores and help the wives do it in the future. Working at home does not reduce a man's worth and neither does a woman being a bread winner have to be something to shame a man about or for him to eat humble pie. If he does these things normally it would not be problem in good or bad times. A man is not defined by his pocket or his ability to provide. If this is the case many men would have failed at one time or the other. The old school mentality cannot fit expressly into this new age. Yesterday a man jumped into the Lagoon at 3MB.perhaps it was the pressure of life getting to him. If he had been providing until now, he is now just a dead man. Let's be careful and teach our children the right things.

  3. If it works for you great! Each home has a formula that works for them.

  4. Mama Ejima ibe m, the heading is misleading oh!

  5. I encourage you to raise your voice so that more people will hear you,these days boys are being raised solely by thier mum, no wonder when they grow up they behave like women.
    Men should be men, they need men to be men.

  6. Everyone's opinion is different. I heard someone who said when there is role reversal, it has to be all round. God help our families.

  7. Very good submission , Amaka , all the points raised were well thought out and argued , but I am seriously worried about the future generations especially with the rate at which we Africans are copying the western world and they themselves loosing basis of familihood. We should strive to balance out everything without prejudice as to whose obligation it is to deal with it , but help out as much as you can with the view that every little assistance you give to your partner improves your situation as well . If as a man with the idea that it's the woman s responsibility to cook food but you're a better cook yourself , then you will continue to eat the tastles food she cooks and vice versa . Let's make up for each other's weakness .

  8. Amaka, hmmmmm, just don't where to begin. I think I am a domestic person not that my wife is dirty or lazy but I love cooking and cleaning house when am home. I love complementing my wife so that she don't wear out under the pressure of keeping home and work that I begin to look outside lets age together by complementing each other

  9. Besides I think children learn more from what they observed daddy and mummy do at home than all the beautiful instructions

  10. Nice one Amaka! Its what you train your children to be is what they will be if they grow up

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. What works for A nay never work for B, but the Gene al and ideal rule is that the man makes the money and the woman puts the homevin order in terms of chores and feeding.
    When this happens I tell you true, the mannaturallt gets his respect.
    For the man eating a humble pie whenever the table turns around is absolutely necessary because most men have Ego, but I pray the women don't disrespect the man at this
    stage. Above all we have the soul creator of marriage to report all cases to.
    He alone can do what only He can
    Have a lively week all

  13. For me, complementing each other is the best way forward as pressures of a western society might not permit the clear cut men vs women roles in a home. Moreover, life is a lot easier when hubby & wifey recognise this and work together, whoever is bread winner!

    I say help...support...help and complement each other.

    Kudos to you sis!

  14. Let spouses do what works for them. Compromise and understanding works the magic.

  15. Amaka...am very impressed with your methods of engaging your boys in doing domestic chores! My mom did exactly that for me when I was a little kid and believe me; today I am so grateful to her. Keep up the good job.

  16. Team work is the key, once married ego's should give way to unity & progress. Nice one Amaka

  17. I am a FEMINIST! Feminism isn't a dirty word. IT just means that I believe that I , woman, am fully human. I deserve equal pay for equal work. I deserve to be in the public space as much as any man thinks he deserves. The kitchen is not my business. Neither is it my husband's. It is our shared responsibility. Same as raising our kids. And bringing in the money. We are both passionate about each other and about our careers. When we come back from work, whoever is less tired does the cooking. My man is not insulted by having to cook, as I am not. He is much better at sewing on buttons and labels than I am and so he does it. It doesn't make him (feel) any less (hu)man. He is good at fixing cars and broken things around the house. And so he does it. He is good at certain dishes, and so he cooks them. He is asthmatic and so I do the yard work. I am better at contacting contractors to do what work needs to be done around the house when needed , and so I do that. Doing work in the kitchen or around the house does not diminish any (hu)man. Our children see that both of us contribute to the smooth running of the house. They see that we love and respect each other. They see that we care enough about each other to let whoever is tired to rest while the other does what needs to be done. I hope that they treat their own partners the same way. I hope they realize that sharing house chores is not because one partner is "lazy" and doesn't want to do it all by herself (why should she?!) BTW: a man or a woman who marries a lazy person and decides to overlook their laziness, who are we to judge that union? Lazy people get hitched (and have as much right to get hitched) as much as people who are not .

  18. Keep it up... the sky is your beginning.

  19. Also: how do we dismantle patriarchy if we domesticate our sons and then turn around and tell them that domesticity is only for when their wives are indisposed. So where there is no help, wife comes back from being on call and goes straight to the kitchen because the kitchen is her business? The whole woman-of-leisure business is a western import. Victorian women were homemakers while husbands went out to work. Our foremothers farmed as much as their husbands did. And because there were many children and multiple wives, they did not slave everyday cooking and fetching when they returned form the farms

  20. PS are you sure some chauvinistic man didn't hack Amaka's blog to write this post? The more I read it, the more I think that that's a possibility :) :)

    1. Original house girl, this post pepper you oh.lol. it's still man. My blog wasn't hacked😅

    2. Yes oo. As feminist concerned, it peppered me well well ooo :)

  21. As long as both husbands n wives know n play their roles, ain't nothing wrong with them helping out each other

  22. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Amaka! To each their own, however i would try not to be judgmental of others that are not operating within the parameters that you outlined. If one is not hurting anyone physically and/or mentally/emotionally, then how one defines a partnership at home is really up to him/her.

    I personally am a feminist and a proud one at that.It is because of other feminists that we get to vote, and have a choice in how we live our lives and hopefully will also get to a place where equal pay for equal work is established for the female worker. These are privileges that all women do not get to have and that saddens me.

    I disagree with your opinion but respect the fact that you have shared that opinion. Let us be more accepting, understanding and tolerant of others. We are really more similar than we are different.

    This was thought provoking. Keep it up.

  23. Old school days are gone.these days couple run family together financially and should as well run it domestically.Don't let anyone brainwash you.My mama was pampared as a housewife.Daddy ran the family financially while mama was just an administrator.The reverse is the case now and we especially men should accept that reality and adjust.get into the kitchen when need be and do the needful.

  24. Good work Amy,but we have to view this from different angles. Every home has its own Manual.

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