Wives Inhumanity to Husbands

Note: The husbands referred to in this article are those who live up to expectation and make an effort in their marriages.

He, who finds a wife, finds a good thing. Now my question is, “Are you a good wife?”

You see your husband struggling financially and you hide your money, you save it for yourself and your own family. His money belongs to you both but yours belongs to you alone. Are you a good wife?

Your husband is well to do but you prevent him from helping anyone especially his own family thereby giving him a bad name. You don’t care about his reputation and yours as well. What kind of a wife are you?

You avoid his parents, quarrel with every brother or sister in law and try your best to separate him from his family. And you call yourself tough?  Don’t you care that your behaviour hurts your husband?

You starve your husband of food because he did not provide the money. He is out of job, he is going through hard times and you still add to his problems with your bad mouth.

He wants sex and you ask him why. Why not? He is the one who is down and not his penis. This is the best time to use that tool, in hardship.

You pay the bills and you want the whole world to know, you flaunt it and don’t even notice that you damage his personality.

He comes home after a hard day’s job and you still nag him for coming home late. You nag him for not calling you all day, yet when he calls you during the day, you think that he is monitoring your movement.

He keeps his phone and you steal it to check how many women called him, is that the right thing to do? You practically stop breathing whenever he is on the phone just to try and detect if it is a woman’s voice at the other end. He says hello to a lady and you start a quarrel. Are you a good wife?

Your husband’s friends come over to watch the game in your home and you do not entertain them, what kind of a wife are you? You insult him during an argument and brag to your friends that you finished him. Why don’t you give yourself a pat on the back?

You are rude to your husband in front of friends and family just to show that you are no push over. You also disrespect him in front of your children, what point do you want to prove?

You refuse to be seen with him in public because to you he is not presentable; did you marry him in your sleep? You compare him to other men and tell him he should be like your personal trainer, “loose the pot belly”, “change your wardrobe”, “change this”, ”change that”, hmm, looks like you have an agenda.

You counter his valid instructions at home and you think it is normal? Yet when your boss fumbles in the office, you are too scared to even correct him. You will not spend five minutes talking with him but will gossip for over two hours with a fake girl friend.  What kind of a wife are you?

I could go on and on with wives inhumanity to husbands, but will stop here and just say this, a wife is a helper, so examine yourself to see if you are a helper to your husband. Are you raising him up or bringing him down?

As we celebrate the International Women’s Week, we pray for better wives, repentant wives, change agents who will bring out the best in our good men.

Cheers to all women! We are indeed beautiful!

Ps: One more category of women to go.


  1. When did it become week sef, I thought it was day?

    1. Its the international women's day yes, but series of activities happen within the week so its still ok.

  2. Why have you chosen to celebrate the week by picking on women?

  3. Your analogies are worrisome e.g. Husband compared to boss?

    Then husband giving instruction? "Valid" instruxtion? Calls to question the type of relationship?

    Which raises the point that relationships are not homogenous! No one set of advice fits all. There is aalways a story behind the story! No human being even the award winning harpy was created like that. Things happened.

    1. someone once asked me to say hello to my "oga," by which they meant my husband. I did a double take .

  4. Anyway go to bed. You know what they say about good wives and night time ..... 😉

    1. why do I get the feeling that this is tongue in cheek ? :) :)

  5. If you ask me woman cannot be celebrated in just a day. I was talking with someone someday about women and I was just like one day is just not enough
    I am waiting for men's day so their issues will be critically analyses as well
    Women ability no dey finish,
    Am really learning

  6. A word is enough for the wise! Dearest women, read, understand and learn to be a better human being to everyone around you especially your loved ones. Thanks Amaka.....keep up the good work.

  7. Women no dey ever free. Simple story ooh wey una go digest then take the one wey apply to you analyse am to see if room for changes dey Mba nu, they must wan argue or prove point. Well, truth is no story or article can cover or touch on everything but the issue is from the little we read, are there learning points?

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