Adam's Apple

Someone read Gerald's story and shared this story.
My friend Harry (not real name) is the nicest guy ever, he is extremely kind and always goes an extra mile for friends and even strangers.

When my host in faraway California kicked me out because I couldn't afford to make my own contribution towards the house rent, guess who took me in and fed me till I was able to stand on my own? Harry!

He had come to see my host, who was his cousin and he walked into our situation. I had been jobless seven months after I'd arrived the US. I contributed my own share of the rent from the money I had come with from Nigeria. (Story for another day)

Harry pleaded with his cousin Terry (not real name) who was my classmate's older brother to take it easy with me . Terry was the closest to family for me in the United States and he knew it but he was fed up with me and asked me to leave nonetheless.

Harry took me to his apartment that morning and that became my home till I was able to get my own apartment six months later.

A demystifying process starts once you let someone into your privacy. I say this because I started to see the strange or ugly sides of Harry. This man who was a semi god to me.  The longest he lasted with a lady was one month. He ended promising relationships for the slightest reasons.

I remember attending a Nigerian party with him and his then girlfriend Juanita (not real name) who was half Nigerian and half American. She was such a lovely girl, very beautiful and down to earth.

I must say that the egusi soup at the party looked too delicious. Juanita went straight for the soup and poundo yam. I was standing with Harry and another friend when Harry started to gasp for breath. The other guy and I were both panicked only to discover that it was all hoax.

Harry was just terrified that Juanita was eating "swallow", (hahaha)   he was visibly shaking and really upset. He left the party without telling her while I stayed so the poor girl wouldn't feel too bad.
When I explained to Juanita why Harry left, she thought I was just insulting her and lost it on me. (lol) It was all so funny to me. That was how the relationship ended that night.

I eventually got an opportunity to discuss the incident with Harry when he raised it days after. I stared at him in shock as he explained why it was so wrong for a woman to eat "swallow". "It gives ladies Adam's apple, what will a woman do with Adam's apple?" he ranted.

Another girlfriend told him that she was purging and needed to use the restroom at her friend's baby's dedication. When she came out of that restroom, Harry was gone. (Teeheehee, this guy is sick).
He left another one for farting, another for using a restaurant's restroom. He said she was wicked to expose the place he ate like food to a dirty public toilet. Lol.

After I moved out, I remained friends with this good man Harry. His girlfriend then Pam, took in for him and surprisingly, he was excited. They had a private wedding and began to live together. When it was time to deliver, Harry was with her throughout in the labour room.

Pam was in the hospital for three days after the birth of their beautiful baby girl and while there, Harry went home, packed all his things and took off. That was the end of that marriage. He couldn’t get the picture off his mind of the baby's head passing through the vagina.

He has had two more babies from two different women  and is still not married. My advise. Please go for a psychiatric test. These behaviours must be early signs of something. May God help him.


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