I believe in Love

(I think the word love appeared over a hundred times on this post, please bear with me)

I must say that I got a good dose of love on my birthday yesterday. It was a quiet day but was filled so much love and joy.

I was a bit ill and so I was home all day, no I didn't think about my life and what I did wrong or right, I was just home and blank. I woke up without a voice, it was completely gone. If I was an idol worshipper, I would have gone to the shrine to find out if it was from Onitsha or Lokpanta. Hehehe

Ten years ago I'd hoped that I would be in one big house on my 40th birthday dancing to Oliver deCoque's "I bili oh, I bili ka m bili" with my waist almost touching the ground but I was on my bed in my little home resting and having me some 8"me time".

However, I learnt some lessons about life;
*it is easier and definitely better to love than to hate *kind words heal the soul and bring joy and;
*life feels a lot better with so much love.

People sent me messages that got me emotional, friends took their time to tell me about me. There's so much love inside each and everyone of us.

Why then do we curse when we can bless?
Why do we hate when we can love?
Why cause pain when we can heal?
Why lie when the truth will set us free?

It feels good to see someone smile because of you, to give someone's life a boost and to love dearly.

Love costs nothing yet quite rewarding so why do we bother with hate? Hate takes away everything good from us, good health, joy, beauty etc. Hate does not coexist with anything good.

If you hate, then ask yourself why, search for the reason and then start to purge yourself of everything that makes you hate.

Hurt by a loved one, unfulfilled dreams, bad relationship, abusive marriage, loveless union, sick parents/spouse/children, fake friends?  I tell you non of these matter once you make up your mind to love for love conquers all.

Please note that love does not conquer a violent spouse, in this case, take your love with you and run for your life. Know when to love from a long distance, live before you love.

No man is an island, we all need each other to function better, I imagined my day without all the good will messages, phone calls and visits, it would have been quite lonely and sad.

A good friend even took the time to teach me how to live life at FORTY,  the only part that will be hard is the diet one,  hmm,  cut down on fried food, pastries, beef and so on,  for breakfast, blend cucumber and avocado and carrot,  but my question is this; if I eat or drink this blend now that I am young, healthy, active and with teeth, what will I eat when I am very old, not too healthy and without teeth? So I'll pass on this 😅

No one can convince me that love is not the greatest virtue. Saint Paul taught us that love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things and it never ends. 

Thank you for all your kind words and for filling my day with so much love!! You've taught me to love more and to give more of myself. I pray that you all experience the sort of joy that you brought me on my special day, every one deserves to be happy and I really do believe in love.


  1. Lileas....no worry. We got u 100.

  2. It takes more energy to hate than to love, so why waste energy hating. Love joor

  3. Dulcie Ezuruike24 May 2017 at 04:57

    As a little girl,I read a lovely fiction that had an amazing quote preface the novel which read "anger is an acid that corrodes the container it is in", in this case juxtapose anger with hate and you get the same result,corrosion. I'll always choose Love anytime any day.

  4. Reminds me of my dad's favourite phrase" anger is a small madness, do nothing when u're angry cos what u'll spoil would be more than what caused the anger". Happy birthday once more..

  5. Love heals all pains! Even d most 'broken pieced heart' (if there is anything like that, lol) gets healed by love. Keep enjoying ur new age Nne, u are loved dearly by moi!!!!

  6. And above all; love thy neighbor like yourself.

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