I do not Plan

I love surprises (or so I thought), it gives me so much pleasure to throw surprise parties for people and nothing feels as good as seeing the happy look on the faces of those being  surprised.
I have been surprised a million times before, once I was given the key to a really nice car on my birthday, on another surprise, R. Kelly sang me a happy birthday song and on my last birthday, it was a walk of the stars, Phyno, Flavour, Olamide, Davido, Tiwa and Waje, all of them performed at my party. I just love the dreamland, there you can be all you want to be and have all your want to have, you are the chief actor too and so you never die.
I am a random kind of girl, I like to go with the flow of the day, I do not plan my day the day before, if I have prior scheduled engagements, that is okay but I am not one to say that I will not do something or go somewhere because it was never on my agenda. I love to watch life unfold; the event of things unplanned excites me. Going with the flow of each day makes me know that there is a Super Natural Being; it helps me understand better that truly there is a God.
I try not to take life too seriously and that is why I always look for the joke in any situation, I was at a funeral with Chin (my bosom friend), it was a really sad one, our colleague, had lost his very young wife in a very terrible way. He was so heartbroken and was also sick himself from the stress of taking care of his wife while she was indisposed, he could barely walk during the funeral, it was a sad day indeed. We stood very close to the casket at the funeral and as the pastor preached, I whispered to my friend and I said, “Chin, what do you think will happen if the late lady suddenly kicked open this casket?” we both burst out laughing there at the cemetery. Of course, all of us including the pastor and the grieving husband would take to our heels!
The only activity that must be in my day is Mass attendance, every other thing can be adjusted, I don’t get it when people say no and the reason is that they did not plan for it. I can use the funds meant for a particular thing for something else as long as it is for a good cause, especially if what it was originally meant for would not save a life.
I live for the moment and hope for better days. For the records, I admire those who are able to plan and carry out their plans, it is a good way to live, it keeps one focused on a set target and that is quite laudable.  What I find interesting is when people start to speak proudly about their planning abilities. “I am organised, I do not work that way” I have a schedule that I must follow” “I didn’t plan for it” “I did not budget for it” etc. All I am saying is that I do not let budget and schedules dictate the course of my life.
I plan parties and other events but not life, life is meant to be lived to the fullest without interferences from too much planning. If you live through one day, then be grateful to God who kept you, some of those who died at twenty, thirty or forty also had plans that never came to be. Some things matter more than schedules and budgets; good health, family, love and peace in the world all matter more. Personally, I think that most of the problems we have in the world is from too much planning; so I just love to be casual and wait to take on life’s next confront.
Maybe this was the reason why the surprise plan failed, I learnt it was two weeks of rigorous planning, (yet again, planning disappointed). They said it was my fault that they couldn’t really find out what my plan was for the day, which is true because, I do not PLAN! So it was difficult to take me away from the house, I was not at home when they wanted to me to be at home and I was at home when they thought I was not at home.(Lol). I hated to see the disappointment on the faces of all those who were part of the planning especially my boys and little sister, friends had planned to hide in my home and scream surprise when I got home but it didn’t happen. Not like the surprise did not happen, it happened, only that it was the other way round, I surprised them instead.  Hehehehe!
Nonetheless, it was a great party and I enjoyed myself to the fullest, I realised more that the simple things matter most and nothing comes close to the love from family and friends!
Like I mentioned, I love surprises but I realised that I love to surprise people more than I like to be surprised. I just felt bad that those who planned the surprise party were not happy about the surprise part of it, but strangely, I was happy that I could not be surprised. Maybe I was not sure what my reaction would have been, there are different types of reactions and my favourite is the one where the celebrant starts to cry, I would have loved to do that but it would have been difficult since there was no money in the surprise.(Lol).

I still cannot believe that I ruined my own surprise! 


  1. Too many loyal informants around you, don't worry you are in for a real surprise. Be vigilant or paranoid. Lol

  2. At least act surprised joor, u just killed their joy 😜😜😜😜😜

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