Carla's Biggest Regret

Mansions, nice cars, impressive bank account, frequent overseas trips, fine dining, beautiful clothes, shoes and bags and a damn good job/business; all these sound like they make life beautiful and keep one happy but I can tell you for free that they are no guarantee to true happiness. All these mentioned are just the add-ons; they never make up for the things that really matter.

Carla knows this fact, she lives in it. She turned fifty last year and also marked her twenty fifth wedding anniversary with Tom her husband. Carla and Tom are very successful in their individual careers. Tom is in the Oil and Gas sector while Carla thrives in the Insurance Company.

They were married three years after Carla graduated from the University, Tom was already working and they had known each for over ten years. To both of them, getting married was an expected end; they had been together too long and it didn’t come as a surprise to both families and thier friends when they eventually announced that they were getting married.    

Carla and Tom were very focused individuals and they both agreed to put having babies aside to pursue their careers, they wanted a very comfortable home for the children that they would bring into the world. They both came from wealthy families and wanted to provide for their children exactly what they had and even more.

They sure did very well in their respective careers and after about six years, they were ready to make babies, and that was the advent of their never ending wait for children. Months turned to years and still no child; of course the tension period came and their marriage was tested greatly. Carla opened up to say that despite both being certified medically fit to have children, there were days when they accused each other of being responsible for the problem that they both faced.

In the third year of their marriage, Carla conceived but this happened just when the company she worked for sent her out of the country on a course which would last for three months; there was no way she could cope with pregnancy in a strange country and so both Carla and Tom agreed that the best thing was for the pregnancy to be terminated.

Twenty two years after the termination of that pregnancy, they are still hoping for a miracle. At some point in their marriage, they had a very big quarrel which caused a temporary break up between the two. Carla left her home and moved to a rented apartment, they got back together again after eight months following several interventions from family and friends. 

Although their love for each other grew stronger after their reconciliation, they both knew that there was a gap in their marriage which could only be filled by the birth of a child. 

Carla says she has cried more than she has laughed in her marriage, there is a beautiful big home and a nursery furnished to taste, there are rooms for the big children but they are always occupied either by family or friends when they visit or by other people’s children who sometimes come to spend holidays in their home.

Carla’s biggest regret is the pregnancy that she got rid of years back. Sometimes, she thinks that she may have gotten rid of the only child that was assigned to her. 

They had it all planned out, first, to get their finances right, send their three children to the best schools, travel the world with them and give them everything that money can buy with loads and loads of love and care.

They got their first priority so right, but what does it mean without a family to share with? What is a big house without children in it? 

The word “mummy” from a young child in a ghetto is better than the deafening silence in a mansion. A plate of food shared by ten children is definitely better than a lay-out of food with just two people at table. Nothing gets damaged and every piece of furniture is just as old as the house. 

Sex became a scheduled duty at some point in their marriage, it had to be during Carla’s ovulation, and this totally destroyed their sex life. She also started paying people to check if her husband had a love child. Childlessness turned Carla into a paranoid wreck.

Material things definitely do not present the key happiness, seeing Carla from a distance, anyone could easily envy her, standing tall and dressed in her expensive clothes and jewellery, who would know her challenges?

She still believes that one day she will carry her own child in her bosom. (May God help her)

Please note that fictitious names have been used for privacy sake)   



  1. I pray God's intervention and mercy upon them... Honestly all dat glitters are not Olaedo.

  2. Mmmmmmmh! What can I say? Money is only good when you have people to share it. First you have people then you find money. Moving ahead of God's Will and plan for our lives can be a disaster. Jer.29:11 should always be our guide to things of life.
    For the errant couple, I think what they need more than anything is God's forgiveness and pardon. That and only that, when obtained, can guarantee a restitution of their lost opportunity.
    On the other hand they can enagged in charity works and adopt a child since they can afford it. May God bless them and many others in their shoes.

  3. They decided to terminate her pregnancy for a course that would have lasted for just 3 months? And she didn't see herself coping in a foreign land while just 3months pregnant? Call me cruel but She does not deserve a baby. She can wait till thy kingdom come. Nonsense !!!

  4. Let both husband and wife re-dedicate their life to Christ because they both sin against God with the abortion she had. Nevertheless my advice is for adaption and may be God will hear and forgive them of sin of abortion committed.

  5. Very sad. Very smart, accomplished people tend to overplan. They can unconsciously feel over entitled to the best opportunities in everything. That is the kind of over confidence that wealth & comfort can bring. Things go according to 'plan', only for a while. But God always shows He is God by letting you know that everything is by His grace and not individual effort. No one person can ever have everything. We must all remember that

  6. I'm sure she has already tried IVF, adoption is an option..a big advocate to that.. with that peace of mind comes then wait and God always makes things beautiful at his time..

  7. This is what wrecked my first marriage.In African marriages, it's nothing without children.When the woman is above 45yrs,it becomes increasingly dangerous to have a child at that age.Unless GOD is really involved.I couldn't take it so I waited for her to make a mistake.She did and I left.I have children today from another woman but I still love my wife.She on the other hand is still very angry so I have decided we were not meant to be together till the end.

  8. This is not judgment time. I pray that God in his infinite mercy, will forgive her and bless her with a child.

  9. Hmmmm.....I have learnt overtime that there are things humans cannot play God over, this is one of such. He is a merciful God and His mercies endures forever. They should try adopting and leave the rest to God.

  10. Hmmmm.....I have learnt overtime that there are things humans cannot play God over, this is one of such. He is a merciful God and His mercies endures forever. They should try adopting and leave the rest to God.

  11. Pathetic story! It's only a woman who didn't have to wait for some years after marriage for a child that could be judgemental over this issue. I can't judge them, they took a decision they felt was d best for them at that particular time and situation but that is why we shouldn't play God at anytime in our lives. They should go for adoption, so many homeless children needing care, home and Love. Wish them d best!

  12. It goes to show that money cannot buy you happiness

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