Never give up

Watching the news recently really got me so down, there was a report on patients who were stranded in general hospitals across Nigeria. One particular lady who had a baby was abandoned by her husband; she was all alone with her baby boy and her mother who helped take care of her baby. She lamented that ever since her husband abandoned her because he could not afford to pay the hospital bills, life had been a nightmare. Sometimes they had to beg other patients for food so they could eat just once a day yet the hospital will not let her go. Shouldn’t the government take of such people?

Another little boy who was barely six years old spoke to the camera, he said he had kidney failure and needed assistance with his dialysis, he asked Nigerians to please come to his aid. This little boy’s case made me shed tears. A doctor who denies him treatment because his parents cannot afford the payment must have a stone cold heart. 

Victims of a failed system; that is what we all are! Why should a little child beg for money for his treatment? Why will a nursing mother be detained with her baby in a hospital because she cannot pay her bills? Who takes care of these people? Who takes care of us? 

Our government just blows its trumpet, we have done this, we have done that and those of little faith applaud them. In every sense of it, what has the government of Nigeria done for its citizens? No simple medical insurance, no nothing, it is like a jungle where only the fittest survive. (Sad, sad, sad)

Thousands of people die of very preventable causes in this country, there is so much sorrow in the land, and people are suffering. We complain that the whites are racists, how about the indiscrimination and tribalism that go on right before our eyes and we look the other way. You don’t give a competent person an opportunity for a career growth because he/she doesn’t speak your language, Shame on you! A son of a poor man is left to die just so a rich man’s son can be saved. (Please also give the rich man’s son a tablet to make him live forever)

I had a horrible one week experience at the children’s emergency ward in a certain government hospital. I had a baby to watch and so was there every day. 

Every baby in that emergency ward needed oxygen yet they had only about two big oxygen cylinders to serve up to ten babies. Four or five babies had to share one oxygen gas, on many occasions; I called the attention of the nurses to dying babies. ‘’Nurses", while acknowledging the good nurses, I must say that some nurses are from the pit of hell, wicked, rude and callous. If you are this type of nurse, please change your focus! I have encountered very lovely ones and God will bless them.

Little babies died every day in this emergency ward, it was the most traumatic one week of my whole life, each day I returned, I wouldn’t see a baby or two that I saw the previous day and some equally died right before my eyes. Where is the government in all of this? As Nigerians, are we not entitled to the good things of life?

We build roads and railways yet do not have good hospitals and public schools. The public schools we have are for raising hoodlums, recall the ugly broad day light rape incident? Those are the type of kids we have in the public schools.

Our past leaders have failed us and the current ones have taken over from their ogas. Nothing works, there’s no power, no water, no functional amenities, no medical insurance, no security, no job etc. There is no single benefit for a Nigerian citizen, I weep for my country. Everything is wrong with us but we will never give up!



  1. Pls how much was the hospital bill? Everyone just interested in foo nfoju akpa..i weep for my country😭.

  2. All this don't cost a fortune but it cost the act of being truthful. Nigeria's greatest problem is lack of truth and sycophancy

  3. I am short of words. If only things will change.I had a friend that had a train accident and was taken to LASUTH by good Samaritans although the family later came but the sad part of it was that they left him unattended after one week, they amputated the leg with out his consent (although from the story he was in coma)at the end of the day saying the infection was much meanwhile it was only the toes that were affected initially. Sometimes its d government's fault,sometimes the doctors carelessness

  4. It is indeed quite unfortunate and really hurts.

  5. It's so sad. Government hospitals are supposed to be free for citizens. We hav a long way to go.

  6. While acknowledging the pathetic state we are in, we must understand that the doctors in those hospitals are equally victims as well.

    A doctor is only authorized to treat a patient after the financial aspects have been taken care of.
    To do otherwise is to forfeit your salary or loose your job.They equally find it difficult as well.
    I have seen many doctors devastated from issues like this.

    Even the private ones have their stories too to tell.Some struggle just to break even and pay salary.

    The solution might be to have an enlarged health insurance in place, to cater for the health needs of these ones.
    We pray for God's help and guidance.

  7. I've always said that every household in Nigeria is its own Govt as in you provide your own, Security, Water, Electricity and everything else that a Govt should be providing. Pathetic! Sad!

  8.'s cruelty to man. A shame indeed !!!

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