What will never be

Dili was looking for a miracle when she walked into this place of worship, (I do not know which one) she needed God so desperately; she had just moved out of her matrimonial home and her husband Leo had no plans to change his ways which made her take the decision to leave.

She married Leo in a well attended wedding ceremony which was the talk of the town several months after, they met through mutual friends and exactly after one year of knowing each other, they tied the marital knots.

She had never earned money, she started bearing children as soon as she got married; she had three of them successively and her youngest was just three years old. Leo had always provided her every need and was the one who discouraged her from working; he made her believe that there was no need for her to work since he would take care of the family’s needs.

Dili and Leo sailed through life quite smoothly till she gave birth to her third child and things went really awry. Leo no longer did the things that he would normally do, she constantly ran out of diapers for her newborn baby and Leo would take his time to provide funds for new ones. The situation kept getting worse till Leo totally abandoned his responsibilities.
He stopped giving her money for the house upkeep and eventually stopped paying his children’s school fees,

Dili knew that something was terribly wrong but could never tell what it was. Leo lost interest in everything that concerned her and their children and seemed to be absent minded any time she tried to discuss the situation with him.

Some people believed that Leo was under a spell (I believe it too) but there was no evidence to prove that, he still worked and there were no complaints from his office and he still took really good care of himself; she often found receipts that indicated he had eaten out. Like everyone advised her to do, Dili resorted to praying for her husband to come round.

When her last child turned three years old, Dili decided that she had had enough of the suffering, she was broke and lonely with no one to turn to; she was an only child and her parents died in the same year two years after she got married.

The last three years were a living hell for Dili, in the era of disposable diapers, she found herself searching for white napkins, safety pins and mackintosh, she became a notorious borrower among her few friends; she could never pay back what she borrowed. She also owed the petty traders on her street most of the time; she usually collected food stuff on credit and could hardly ever pay back.

She lived in shame because she knew that everyone talked about her, some blamed her for the way her husband treated her, Leo was generous and nice to other people and so some of them felt that the way he treated his wife had a lot to do with her bad behaviour at home. (Silly people)

Dili was at the market haggling over the price of dry fish chaff, when she heard her name; a friend that she met in her place of worship had given her a small amount of money which she had taken to the market to buy a few stuff so she could cook for her children.

The person who called her turned out to be Aunty Christy, her late mother’s friend, it was a pleasant surprise, Aunty Christy and Dili’s mother were very close friends, she relocated to the United States after Dili’s mother’s funeral. Her first daughter lived there and had filed for her to come and live legally in the United States of America.

They had a good laugh as she told Dili the story of how she escaped back to Nigeria, she couldn’t cope over there, and she said life was boring in a foreign land.

For the first time in some years, Dili laughed heartily and actually felt like she was with family. She wasted no time in telling Aunty Christy her entire story; Aunty Christy told her she could stay in her boys quarters with her children while she sorted herself out.

She took up the offer and then began another phase of challenges in her life; Aunty Christy was lovely and did her best to ensure that Dili and her children were comfortable but she was a pensioner and there were days when she just couldn’t help it. On such days, Dili and her children went to bed hungry.

All the while, DIli was searching for a job but because she had never worked, it got harder by the day. She had just left her children’s new school when she noticed a place of worship a few kilometres away; the head teacher had given her an ultimatum to pay up the school fees or not bring the children to school in the coming week,. She walked into the place, sat down on the floor and just started wailing.

Tim was the head of the place of worship and he had come in for his mid day prayers when he saw her wailing, he consoled her, counselled her and took her home afterwards, after they both picked the children from school.

Before the deadline given by the school, Dili paid up her children’s school fees and by the next month she was working in a small firm as an executive assistant to the CEO. In six months, she bade farewell to Aunty Christie and moved into a small flat with her children. It was amazing how her life changed in just a few months, all thanks to Tim!

Things took their natural course eventually, the first time was in her home, the children had gone to a birthday party down the road with the young nanny that had started to live with them. Tim who had just returned from a trip stopped by to drop off some food items for Dili and her children, it was such a pleasant surprise; she had overshot her budget for the month and couldn’t afford some food stuff. She hugged him out of joy and excitement and somehow, they were suddenly stark naked in Dili’s bedroom doing what both their bodies tried to fight but failed woefully.

After that first time, they both could not get enough of each other and it became a routine for them, Dili’s house was more conducive, all she needed to do was to get the children and their nanny engaged whenever her lover visited for some adult play. Dili knew that this was wrong because Tim was a deeply religious man who was a forefront evangelist of his faith. ( Please don’t ask me which)

She often wondered how he was able to say some of the things he said publicly even after both of them had just finished a very hot steamy session. His place of worship became her place of worship and there were even times when she got so horny just by listening to him as he spoke to the faithful.

The only one who knew about Dili’ s relationship with Tim was Aunty Christy and she was shocked that of all the men to date, it was a man of this status, she warned Dili to call off the relationship immediately.

It has been over one year and Dili claims that they are both madly in love with each but for the known circumstances, they would have walked down the aisle. (Please don’t ask me the known circumstances)

Their love affair is so intense, they cry each time they make love; they cry for what will never be. He is a father figure to her children, he is known in their school as their father’s brother, he provides every single need that they have and he has more than made up for those miserable years of Dili’s life.

Dili is more financially stable now and can take care of herself and her children, she can cope financially without Tim, but she says she will never be able to cope emotionally if she stops seeing him.

Tim is a really good man and this is his first illicit affair, he is dedicated to Dili and her children and she even fears for him more than she fears for herself.
She is praying about this and hopes that there will be a solution soon. (hmm..)


  1. Hmmmmmmm, we need to know what happened please? This is really a pathetic and sad story and I feel forthe man of God to have engaged in such illicit affairs. Hmmmmmmm too bad.

  2. Hmmmm this is serious ooo. Am of tge view that you dont choose who you fall in love with matters of the heart is very tricky especially when you are vulnerable may God help them

  3. It is said (somewhere,around) that the heart wants what it wants....at all times(I added the last line). Love is a beautiful-beautiful thing and should be expressed with complete abandonment,no shame. It becomes questionable when it's hidden. At this point,the heart should be set aside and the head should be used to make decisions that would benefit both eternally. God is not moved by emotions but with strong reasons backed up by his WORD. So I'm not sure what their prayer points will look like...(the husband ain't gonna fall down and die) Whether he's a man of God or not,SIN is what it is..SIN. I hope they know that people know that they are "shagging up".(even if they don't say it to their faces) I feel for them but they need to do the right thing...and they know the right thing to do.

  4. Judge not for you may not be judged. Every one deserves some happiness in this crazy life. Dili & Tim please continue & keep it the way it is. No need for change. Full joy

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