White witch

I really hate it when a woman comes into a man’s life and destroys his relationship with his best friend and even all his friends in most cases. A lot of ladies are experts at this, they make a conscious effort to block off every other person from a man’s life, and some even go as far as trying to make a guy hate his family. I call these sorts of women, evil women.

These two guys I met shared this story with me. The names have been changed for privacy sake. Simpson is a programs engineer; he had been a technical guy all his life; right from his primary school days he would easily fix any computer issues by himself. It did not come as a surprise to his family and circle of friends when he ended up studying computer engineering as a first degree.

Simpson maintained his circle of friends, from primary school and they built a strong bond over the years. To this group of very successful young men who were all so very good looking, it was a brotherhood (I know because I was shown a picture of all fourteen of them). These guys were that close, they held photo shoot sessions periodically and kept a framed copy each in their offices; they were that close. They referred to themselves as “The Boys”

Simpson was easily everyone’s favourite, very charming and so full of life and always there for everyone. It was Simpson who first got to any of them who had any challenge, he had taken friends’ parents to the hospital, done emergency school pick ups, airport pick ups, settled quarrels, visited others more and of course solved any technical issues totally free of charge. His beautiful home was the hub for the group, they all loved football and would often gather in his house during the football season to watch a game or two; they loved to do that. Simpson had a fantastic cook who made sure that the boys were well taken care of. In all, it was a perfect friendship and brotherhood where everyone was carried along.

Simpson was dating Biola, she was a good match for him, they loved the same things and nothing gave her joy more than seeing Simpson happy. The brotherhood knew that Biola genuinely loved Simpson and were hopeful that they would one day be married. He was the last man standing.

At some point, the boys stopped seeing Biola and Simpson gave no good reason for Biola’s absence. Dave, one of the boys ran into Biola at the shopping mall and she opened up to him that Simpson was seeing someone else; she wasn’t sure who but it was obvious, he wouldn’t call her or pick her calls anymore. Biola wasn’t one to make a fuss about such and so she quietly moved on.

It was at Dare’s party that the boys first saw Halima, she was very fair, really beautiful, and friendly but they could tell that there was something about her. They noticed that Simpson was a bit uneasy around her, at some point he even called about three of them and pleaded with them not to crack any jokes on him as his new chic didn’t like such.

Halima stayed more in Simpson’s house than Biola did and so Simpson began to spend less time with the boys. They also discovered that she wasn’t such a friendly person, she would visibly frown if they visited to watch a game or two of football.

The boys begged Simpson to make up with Biola, but the more the begged him, the more adamant he was on settling down with Halima. 

Finally he tied the knots with Halima and then his woes began; the first thing she did was to read the riot act to all and sundry, and then he stopped Simpsons friends from watching the football matches in her home.Simpson became hard to reach and even when his phone rang, he would not pick up. 

Halima recently tried to seduce their friend Obinna, of course he told her off and left their home where he had gone to check on Simpson since he wouldn’t pick his calls. He confided in Dave and they decided not to tell Simpson; they wanted the marriage to work, and he would believe them anyway. 

Recently, they were at their favourite bar when Simpson stormed in and rained abuses and curses on Obinna for trying to rape his wife. The white witch had told a lie, possibly because she thought Obinna would tell on her. Simpson was so enraged and wouldn’t even wait for the brotherhood to discuss it.

He no longer speaks to any of them and they are all quite sad about it, it has been over one year. Dave also met a girl who claims to know Halima, first discovery is that Halima is older than Simpson but told Simpson a wrong age, error number two, she never graduated from the University.

The boys have decided to forget about Simpson and move on without him, they miss him and all he stands for. But they are also worried that she may hurt Simpson badly but Simpson does not seem to care.

My take is that they should try one more time and if he ignores them, they should all move on. I really hate it when men become zombies to beautiful women. they just like and ode!



  1. I pray that God will intervene on time for Samsons sake

    1. Pls can u confirm the intervention U want from God? That Sampson should divorce his wife ?

  2. This is not an easy matter. As people grow older some will grow apart sha. If they still have 13 of them together they should be happy jare and continue their lives. Who knows If d Sampson is happier without them. No need playing God. Some day d man will come to his senses. He absolutely knew what he was getting into

  3. Dulcie Ezuruike21 May 2017 at 08:29

    My advice to Simpson's friends is to not give up on him! I think they should reach out to him,no matter how it is,before Halima became, they were. The thing be say Simpson eye go open,she no go fit form for ever. Na una bone guy be this!!!

  4. Amaka, I need an update on this one. Lol!!

  5. They shouldn't give up on him just yet. He hasn't been himself since he met Halima, that much is obvious. They should let him know that they're there for him cos one day for sure, he's gonna come running back.

  6. Simpson one way or d other will com bak 2 his senses and trust me, Halima will get d shocker of her life wen he does.
    My take is dt, it's best 4 d boys 2 let him b & pray dt he retrace his step bak 2 his former happiness.

  7. He allowed that to happen....such weakness is disgusting. Anyways, what doesn't kill you makes u stronger they say....does Simpson have family? Maybe the boys can go through his family members

  8. Fertile grounds for annulment of this marriage. CONCEALMENT

  9. Simpson Will come back to his senses bit it Will take time...

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