A Life time of Sex

This reader was kind enough to tell me her story after she read my last post, Virgin ko.

Katherine and Randy dated for five years before they got married and in those five years, they had sex over a zillion times according to Katherine. It happened anywhere, anytime and anyhow, there were no limitations, she gave it to Randy very freely; in a nutshell, sex was a big part of their relationship.

Katherine decided to give me a background of their relationship before marriage, they both lived in the same city even though Randy’s job took him round the country, but they always made up for the times that they were not together. Katherine had an accommodation in the school but she lived with Randy for the five years that she was in the University studying law.

They had sex everyday that they spent together and nothing would stop them from the act not even Katherine’s monthly flow, (hmm…) or a big fight between them, in fact every fight was settled with several rounds of hot sex. They did it everywhere, in the car, in restaurant restrooms, swimming pool and once they had a quickie in Randy’s friend’s office. It was a private office, Randy’s friend who they visited excused himself for a short meeting with his staff, it was a Friday and he had the rest of the evening to spend with Katherine and Randy,

Katherine had just pulled up her pants when the door opened and Randy’s friend walked in, one look at them and he could tell that they had been up to something. Most of Randy’s friends thought Katherine was the coolest girlfriend; she did not hide the fact that she could not get enough of Randy as she often expressed her affection towards him publicly.

They would leave friends in parties, find a suitable spot, usually behind parked cars and would get down to business. They were once caught by a security man while at it in their car; the car was parked on a lonely street close to the night club where they had been. Katherine and Randy had sex like it was going out of fashion and as expected; four abortions were carried out in the course.

They got married before Katherine went to the law school and they had three children in quick succession. Life was really good; Randy was at the peak of his career while Katherine practised law in a very good law firm. They lacked nothing and together raised very beautiful children.

They have been married for several years now, they still love each other but something is missing in their marriage; Katherine says she no longer wants to have sex, how can?! She feels terrible about this, but she cannot help herself; she did not let her husband touch her for over fifteen months, she cringed anytime he tried to touch her especially if he kissed her and she was not in the least bothered that he could get from someone else what she could no longer  give him. This situation keeps both her and her husband very unhappy.

She secretly wishes that her husband would be like her and not want to have sex with her anymore; she says that she can live with it. But then, he could just be pretending to want his wife so much. Lol.

She has tried everything possible to bring the spark back into her love life to no avail; she has watched porn, read all sorts of books and even consulted a therapist.

Recently she started praying about it and she has started to find the answers, she is convinced that she had enough sex to last her a lifetime even before she got married and so she is facing the repercussion of engaging in premarital sex.

Katherine is still facing this dilemma although she keeps trying to get better, she recently let her husband have his way but she closed her eyes all through and just laid there like a log of wood. No she did not enjoy it one bit.

Her advice to young girls is to stay away from premarital sex so that they do not find themselves in a similar predicament later in life.
You have a lifetime of sex with your husband/wife before you why waste the opportunity?
(Katherine and Randy are not their real names)


  1. I don't know about this one....something is missing here. After having 3 kids, does Katherine not feel comfortable with her body anymore? Anyways, she better sit up or lose her husband who I'll support fully to take care of his business elsewhere

  2. @Ugo I think you are right. The cause of lack of interest wasn't made known. Maybe she's added weight or the husband has developed some undisclosed defects. Though medically in some there is a tendency to hate both sex and the spouse immediately preceeding childbirth.
    Let them make do with the *plenty* fun they had while it lasted.
    Thank God I can now talk, for some days now your security no de gree me talk.

  3. She should pray very well about it. The situation on ground is serious.

  4. Katherine better pull herself together.. I don't believe there is any such thing as not wanting to have sex anymore because once in a while the urge must always come.. the only thing I see here is maybe she is no longer comfortable with her body and denying her husband sex might lead him to get it elsewhere.

  5. Or maybe she no longer finds her husband sexually attractive

  6. Their relationship/marriage was built in sex. She cannot turn round now n say she's no longer interested, she better be interested oo.

  7. Odiegwu! osho free for life with partner

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