Virgin ko

I have noticed that whenever I write about sex, some people get really uncomfortable; but really, I mean sex within the confines of a marriage. No one can deny the fact that sex is indeed a vital factor in every marriage. I know that some men wish that they could send their wives to a sex school the way some wives are sent to five star hotels to learn how to make certain special delicacies.

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach but I beg to disagree, it has to be a combination of the two but if one must take prominence then it has to be sex.  A man can deal with a woman who cannot cook to save her life but can “bang to save the whole world”.

I always carry out my own survey and according to Lilea’s survey, 80% of the men I spoke to would rather marry a woman who is good in bed than marry one who can cook but is really lousy in the bedroom.

So this young lady who had pretended to be a virgin when she married her husband is not able to express herself during sex.  According to her, she just did it with only two guys before she met her husband; each man thinks that he was the one who broke the hymen. So men can be deceived? (Please let me laugh a little hahahahahahahahahahahaha).

Her predicament is that she is a highly sexual person, she enjoys sex more than anything; one of the reasons she married early, she feared that she would go on a sex spree if she had not settled down with the first guy who proposed to her; but now she cannot enjoy sex with her husband the way she would want to. She cannot do any of the things that she loves to do; she loves the sixty nine position but how will she explain that to her husband who gets his kick from her innocence.

When she cries in pain at a thrust from her husband, she feels him get harder and he goes even deeper and faster; she sees the desire in his eyes to make her feel him more. Angela (not real name) is just naturally blessed with a very tight vagina, and even though she has a child she is still as tight as ever. Little wonder she got away with her lies from the pit of hell.

She loves to shout and make very vulgar statements during sex but she is scared it will cause problems in her marriage and this makes her sad. She no longer looks forward to an intimate moment with her husband and she is miserable.

My advice to Angela is this; “Have a chat with your husband and tell him that you would like to try out new things in the bedroom”. According to Angela, her husband hates surprises in the bedroom and would literarily freeze if she said something like “yes baby, f*#$k your p#$sy” (this young lady is something else, hehehehe, I myself froze at those words.).

Her husband grew up in the church and has the belief that women are meant to be gentle in the bedroom. Angela reminded me of myself, she joked about everything; she was sad about her marriage yet she was able to find the humour in most issues.

While we spoke, she thought out loud, “ah so Henry (not real name) will never experience my expertise in giving blow jobs? Chai! I had a good laugh!
When I asked if she would ever tell her husband that he wasn’t her first, before I finished the question, she cut in and said that the lie had come to stay. She would take it to her grave. (lol). No comment!

Angela needs to do what she has to do to enjoy sex in her marriage and hope for the best or be ready to accept the consequences. It is either that or she forever holds her peace!

Guys please help your your wives be their best in the bedroom!


  1. I would hav really loved 2 freely comment but I honestly dnt wnt 2 b tagged a nympho.
    Madam Amaka mayb we can privately chat on dis.
    My wife & I hav d best sexual r/ship eva.

    1. Ralph pls express freely, no one is going to tag you anything. Lol

  2. The topic today is good and let us be sincere with ourself 90% of divorce cases tend to be sex related but people always shy away from saying it. We are all frm different backgrounds so we should not shy away from discussing the topic as a couple 👫 at home.

  3. Sex as sacred mystery and a bodily language of love that unites husband and wife is being emptied of its significance and sacred value.

    The attempt to distort sex is part of the grand design by devil and his co workers to destroy the beautiful gift of God out of envy and frustration.

    My take is always to represent the mystery of sex as it should. We have to admit that our view of sex is strongly affected by our pornified culture.

    Our concept of sex may be very akin to carnal constructs of pornograpy. No wonder that inspite of so much noise about sex, with porns just a click away, many people are yet to be sexually satisfied.

    Sex is an art of love. Love is first and foremost spiritual. It takes a spiritual minded and spiritual discerning person to perform true act of sex; which is always an exclusive gift of self.

    For carnal minded, they can never comprehend or perform spiritual act; therefore they will suffer a lot of motion without satisfaction at best they will have fleeting carnal satisfaction.

    I may be wrong, but you may know better, the reason there is so much quest for sex, talk on sex (I am not blaming you, it is an issue practically trending everywhere), is that many more people are becoming sexually frustrated. Thier wrong orientation towards sex have left them utterly empty, enslaved by thier sexual instincts, many have become predators, willing preys and perverts.

    I myself is getting very tired when I look around, listen to people, watch shows etc. I simply ask the Lord to come and teach us, and restore back the dignity of his beautiful gift.

    Amaka, as usual, we always look up to you, teach us well.

  4. Interesting topic! I think she had better speak out or gradually express her sexual preferences to her hubby. Who knows....she just may be surprised.
    People shy away from the topic of sex even within the bounds of marriage. Recently, I had a conversation with colleagues and one of them said that blow job is wrong spiritually. I come ask "even between married couple?"
    My submission is that "enjoyable/good" sex is vital for any marital relationship to thrive.

  5. Let's talk about sex baby let's talk about all the good things that may be let's talk about SEX. Just singing

  6. So many married people are very righteous with sex that they think it is sin, be free with ur spouses so ur marriage can stay lit. My thoughts.

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