
As I left home today, I saw the same behaviour in four different men within such a short period that really got me thinking. They all held their penises. It wasn’t my first time of seeing such but today in a matter of seconds I saw four different men do the exact same thing and I thought of the reason why, could it be to check if it is still there? To check if it has grown bigger? Or just to pay homage to the red cap chief? Lol.

I saw another one, making it five men guilty of self-touching in one day, it was this evening in a supermarket, as I walked on one of the aisles, this young chap was just holding his thing (blokus like a senior friend would call it), I just started looking at his hand while he held on to it like his life depended on, he quickly saw the disgust on my face, removed his hand and quickly muttered a “good evening”. Nonsense I’m so sure he will use the same hand to deal with other people. Tufiakwa!

Well I keep warning my boys that they should never be caught doing that rubbish. I hear it is reflex from some of the opinions of people on my facebook page; hmm….if it is really reflex, how come some men especially  men of God hardly do it?

The Men need to stop;

-Holding the penis at short intervals
-Spreading the two legs apart at short intervals (like they are trying to unhook something)
-Digging the nose
-Staring at women
-Staring at women’s backside
-Staring at women’s boobs
-Picking their teeth publicly
-Talking vulgar all the time
-Shouting when they talk on the phone
-Cheating on their spouses
-Biting their nails

The women should stop the following;
-Chewing gum noisily
-Frapas (removing pant stuck in the bum)
-Gossip (almost impossible for women)
-Tapping the head instead of scratching it (someoneone brought this to my attention.lol)
-Making that bad noise in a bid to scratch the throat
-Jealousy (equals ten vices)
-Envy (equals twenty vices)

I am sure each one of us has a bad habit that we need to drop besides, we just celebrated World Environment Day and we are all part of the environment.


  1. What of women 🚺 scratching their virginal unconsciously on the road, that need to be addressed too. 😀😀👍. Good morning

    1. Not a common sight but still needs to be addressed. For the sake of the select few.

    2. Hmmmn, this is a big one. Where am I guilty just thinking!

  2. What of women 🚺 scratching their virginal unconsciously on the road, that need to be addressed too. 😀😀👍. Good morning

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