Be Happy for Me

I read a post about a widow who was summoned by her husband's kinsmen to explain how she took in long after her husband had passed on, she had two sons who looked exactly like her late husband yet her brother in law whose advances she rejected denied ever having any carnal knowledge of his brother's widow. Worse still, the widow claimed that her late husband was responsible for her two pregnancies.

It was a mystery that needed to be solved and the widow who is a lawyer appeared well prepared with her doctors to shock her husband's family with the facts of how she bore her sons.

After her late husband was diagnosed with a terminal illness, they both decided to freeze his semen for her to be artificially inseminated after his passing since they both desired to have more children.

It was a complicated story since this sort of technology was alien to a good number of the villagers and the rest who knew about it frowned at it maybe because it was against their religious beliefs.

I am Catholic and my faith definitely abhors any act that looks like playing God or disrupting God's natural way of doing things and artificial insemination is right on top of that list. I've written about this in the past but it's such an important topic which keeps popping up.

I used to personally know a lady whose husband was quite sick and had been given months to live. They had one child and so they did the same thing, had the man's semen frozen to be used after he was gone. And when we spoke, she was also open enough to tell me that she was praying and hoping that the procedure would be successful. It was her husband's desire to give their child a brother or sister.

All I could think of was how blessed some couples are to have had as many children as they wanted, naturally without the rigours of medical procedures.

My heart bled for her, they tried and tried years after having their first child for another one to no avail. Even in death, the man never stopped trying.

I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone but I did not jump into telling her how all she needed was faith in God, or how she should pray more or accept her life as a mother of one. I listened to her and encouraged her to keep trusting God.

You see, life is funny, human beings complain over everything, I saw a friend who has three children already under the age of seven with a very big tummy and all I could think of was "how could your husband get you pregnant in this quick succession?" "is that all he knows to do?" well, she had the right response. "Be happy for me"

Those words made so much sense, there are a lot of women who would rather take in every year than go through the pains of waiting for a child or medical procedures.

By the way, the widow in the opening story had her medical team explain the freezing process and confirm that the late man voluntarily provided his semen to be frozen.

They also showed documents signed to that effect and even videos of the man authorising his wife to go through with the procedure.

Need I say that the case was closed and the widow left with her head held up high.

I had five children all vaginally and I never cried to God once to give me a child. He just kept on blessing me and I am eternally grateful.

This makes it difficult for me to advise someone who is desperate for a child against any artificial method of conception.

I just pray for them and ask God to make them very happy.


  1. Fruit of the womb is the greatest gift of any marriage.
    Barrenness is a helpless situation but remaining childless is a choice.
    IVF isn't cloning and to me, it's very acceptable to me. It's a never a funny search looking for fruit of the womb.
    Anyone that can afford it should go get help.

  2. God please always make anyone facing this challenge happy,there's no better person to advice them.

  3. God bless all mothers !!!

  4. Onye na nke ya, onye na nke ya!!! Each to their own!! Who are we to say that the next person's choice is wrong?!!

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