Dear Lilea's blog

Dear Lilea's Blog,

I am an avid reader of your blog, I often comment anonymously and I commend you for a good job. I think my father hates me and here's my story;

I am the first child in a family of four and I am the only daughter. There's a ten year gap between me and my younger brother.

I began to notice the hostility from when I was a child that is why I do not have fond childhood memories of times spent with my father.

He never visited me in the boarding house and in the primary school no one ever knew who my father was. He made sure that I never lacked but there was no connection and certainly no father-daughter relationship.

I was an only child for a long time before my brother came and then the other two followed in quick succession.

The birth of my brothers opened my eyes to a lot of things. My dad was at each hospital appointment for any of them and as they grew older, he always say and had conversations with them.

He taught them how to drive personally as soon as each one turned sixteen years; of course that wasn't the case for me.

When I was bold enough to confront him on why he treated me differently, he was dismissive and he told me that it was his duty to teach my brothers to be real men. He said it was my mum's call to raise me to be a decent woman.

I grew up very angry with my father for almost neglecting me. I realised that he'd preferred I was a male child. He even started to treat my mother better when she started having boys.

My brothers were all sent overseas to study and they remain there till date pursuing different careers. I had to stay back for obvious reasons. We are all under forty years.

My dad was recently diagnosed with prostate issues and had to undergo surgery and my mum is not in the best of health.

I am expected to leave my husband and two children to go and look after my father. I know I can easily do it because I have a capable nanny and the most supportive husband but I just don't want to.

I told my mum that I am busy with work (I'm self employed by the way) and family.

My brothers who he gave so much attention and love should come back home and take care of their father.

I feel bad though but I'm still hurt from the way he treated me in the past. What do you think?

My response: Dear LBR(Lilea's Blog Reader) It's simple, your father is your father and you need to forgive him. Maybe it's time to have that important talk with him and he may be more receptive now.

However, do what gives you peace.


  1. Well unfortunately i don't agree with you. Forgive him yes but break your back for him? Nooo. Get a nurse to take care of him instead if you can afford it. All the best

  2. You have peace when you forgive because unforgiveness is a burden.
    Do your bit but still have a word with him cause he might be oblivious to the wrong he has done to you.

  3. It's tough... You have to be in her shoes to really understand her pain . It's very easy to judge or advise from outside.. Forgiveness is not palatable especially when the hurt is so deep but the end result is sweet and full of blessings.. Go see him,do your bit with all your heart,speak with him if he can absorb it for now,if not let go and let God.. it's well with your soul.

  4. What about an option of having the father come over to her house?

    Let's not forget that she is primarily responsible for her husband and kids(with or without a capable nanny). Moreover, this may turn out to be a long period of care

    I wish you all the grace you need to make peace with your father.

  5. Aunty I beg u in d Name of God not 2 mistreat him 4 his ignorance.
    We all r sent 2 b educated not bcos of 1st class honors & all but 4 d knowledge & exposure dt we gain.
    Let him kno dt u undrstnd all his ill treatment 2wds u but dt d tuition he paid 4 d local education & exposure was worth it after all.
    Hav an honest word wt him & pour out ur mind & still let him kno dt it's past & all behind u now.
    All d best dear & keep it real, God Bless

  6. Your advice is spot on. The Bible says honor your father & mother. There is no condition in it that says you should honor them if they were good to you. Her father is the one who has no attention from the sons he cherished. That fact is not lost on him and he is reaping what he has sown . Your reader needs to forgive not for her father but herself. She will find that she is on superior footing and she will be shocked how much better she will feel. I think that the ultimate punishment for her father is to be cared for by the one he rejected: I believe that unless he is sub human the irony will not be lost on him. There is nothing more rewarding than your 'enemy' being helpless & needing you !

  7. She is stuck in a time warp in which she is a needy child looking for her fathers love & attention. She is a grown woman now and she needs to move on. Despite her fathers attitude she seems to have grown up to be independent and productive with her own family. Her father is the one who is old & sick with his precious sons nowhere to be seen!She will even be surprised that her father may raise the topic himself!

  8. Well I'm a father of two girls and I believe "A girl's first lover is her father" ( I believe that's what Sigmund Fraud set out to explain in his theory OEDIPUS COMPLEX) However parenting does not come out 100% due largely to challenges of life.... I have two daughters one is with me in Nigeria the other with her mother in America.... The one in America blames me for not being their for her.... The one with me blames her mother for not being their for her however both forget the challenges of life in bringing them up. Your father rightly felt your mother should be your role mother and said that much.Some girls who were too close to their father are today confused (Transexual) Having said that; I think your father erred in not being closed to his only child of ten years! ..but like others have advised you to forgive is Divine. From Uncle Sam

  9. Nne please put all your energy towards your 2kids & husband & business. In America most parents that kick their children out at age 18, ends up in nursing homes. "You reap what you sow". You can forgive him & get all the love & attention from your husband & kids but don't hold your life back for him. "Once beaten twice shy". Also the backward culture of ours that boys are more important is utterly rubbish and should be frowned against.

    1. I don't agree with you there. Seek your answer from God....think about it. What would Jesus do?

  10. Dear LB reader, please do whatever pleases yur heart but always remember there's only one solution 'the WORD of God". Read Psalm 55:22

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