Dear Lilea's blog

Dear Lilea's blog,

I've been married for eight years but no longer have feelings for my husband and I have this urge to sleep with another man. (I have someone in mind)

I have been faithful to my husband in all our years of marriage but I can't control myself anymore.

I'm very sure I'll regret this afterwards because of my faith. I had to say it out, maybe I'll read something that may make me change my mind or encourage me more.

Please talk to me now now because I've given myself a week from today to commit this sin.

From a wife in a dilemma

Please help me offer your advice if you have a different view, mine is simple "Don't do it if you will regret it" just listen to your good Spirit.


  1. Haha. Sounds like joro's PG. If u have made a decision then our advice can't help u. I will say, don't feel bad because of religion. U need to decide if your seriously unhappy & if there's no absolute solution then u need to officially separate from ur husband. U can't be having sex on the side on a regular basis.

  2. Don't love is a choice not a feeling. You made vow to remain chaste so keep it. But your story is not complete why have suddenly lost the feeling u had for him? What went wrong ?

  3. Why don't you go back to the beginning. Revive those things that made you fall in love with your husband in the first place and flee from the person, whom the devil wants to use to break your home.

  4. Dear, forgive your husband if he has offended you in any way. If you are not satisfied with your sex life with him, there is need to discuss it with him because it gives room for improvement. Change your mind set towards your husband, the love & feeling will come naturally with time. Finally avoid intimate relationship with the person in mind because he has nothing to offer but destruction & regrets.

  5. She should think through why she doesn't have feelings for her husband. Why did she marry him? What has changed? Why? You don't wake up one day and have no feelings for your husband!

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