Dear Lilea's blog

Dear Lilea's blog,

Good day,

My name is Miss Nnegi (not real name).

I listened to your talk on Faith and Love life at the seminar which held last week and I must say that it was quite insightful. I learnt a lot and I am glad to have attended.

I recently graduated from the University and presently waiting for NYSC. I'm at a stage in my life where most of my mates have started dating or have young men who show interest in them.

Here lies my problem and I am deeply disturbed; Men hardly approach me and whenever they manage to talk to me, I only get compliments like you are beautiful and it ends there.

I will be 24 years in a few months and I'm worried that no man has shown any interest in me. I know that I am beautiful and have a really cute face that makes me look younger than my age.

Could my baby face be the problem? I'm really worried because I'd hoped to get married in good time.

It has also started to affect my self confidence. Please is this not something to worry about?

My response:  I'm sure that you are beautiful so trust me it is not about beauty.

Maybe you have a baby face just like I did when I was younger and so only younger boys approached me but I had a lot of confidence and didn't want small bits around me.

I read a lot and so in conversations with guys or in a group I always spoke intelligently without trying too much. Soon guys started to notice me for my smartness before the beauty.

Don't lose focus my dear, the right man for you will surely come along soon


  1. Beauty alone cannot help you. If you are beautiful without being smart, you will only attract non-serious guys. If you are smart without beauty you're sure going to end up with smart and intelligent guys

  2. Nursing a low opinion about yourself does not help the situation in the least bit. The fact that men do not swoon around you could rightly be a cause for concern, but it certainly does not make you less feminine or graceful, and should not be a reason to think less about yourself. Everything as the proverbial-speak goes, happens in good time.

    Stick with Amaka's advice. It's the way to go.

    You could also try socialising a bit more and dare to flirt (with the right kind of persons) while you are it. Be outspoken and learn to challenge the guys, intellectually. Give a man a run for his money, and he'll SEEK YOU OUT, even if you lived in the lion's den or in a foxhole. There is no greater sex appeal for the man more than a woman who intrigues him, intellectually. Thankfully, you shall be heeding the clarion call pretty soon, and will have plenty of opportunities to try out these tips. I hope it works out for you.

    Finally, there is the tested, reliable and old trick, guaranteed to make a guy become friends with you and to even ask you out on a date. I learned about it donkey years ago in grade school. It is quite simple:join a peer group in camp; attend classes and sit close to a guy you fancy. Then steal his pen and help him to find it. Are u lavving? Hey, it works! Believe me.

    Wish you all the luck in the world in hooking up.

  3. Don't allow that to affect your confidence, believe in yourself,act smartly and the right guy will come at the right time. You're unique and need someone unique. Find time to socialize and don't take life too serious.

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