I don't want to lose him

Dear Lilea's blog,

You preached abstinence for young people at your last talk.

Ever since that day, I stopped sleeping with my boyfriend, now he does not pick my calls and does not want to have anything to do with me anymore.

I miss him and I feel really bad; should I go back to sleeping with him or stick to my guns?

I don't want to loose my boyfriend,  he's too nice. Please what do I do?

Girl in distress.

NB: I love yours blog

Dear Girl in distress, stick to your abstinence and God will surprise you.


  1. God will surprise you. Nice comment. Amen.

  2. Pls note that the guy don't love you but only what you have between you two legs. Pls abstain completely.

  3. Chai, he is not nice at all he is only playing game to continue enjoying your treasure and when he is tired he will find a good story to lay you off. He is just lust over your body. Please stick to your gun. If he truly love you he will be willing to go with you though not going to be easy.

  4. You're lucky to have attended the seminar. You've seen the guy in question doesn't love you so move ahead and never regret your decision because you've done very well. Real men are not in a relationship because of sex.

  5. Dear Girl in distress;
    Self mastery is the true test of love.

    When one is truly in love; one learns to sacrifice one's animal instincts in order to appreciate and serve the deeper beauty of the other.

    Your narrative betrays that you are currently undergoing a withdrawal symptom of lust infested relationship.

    I understand deeply the proclivity of sins of lust; therefore I will advice you that in order to overcome your concupiscence at this trial moment, you need to completely burn the bridge and turn a new leaf.

    You have to be convinced that issue is not what you feel for your boyfriend, the real issue is that you have been offending God gravely therefore the need for you to make atonement.

    You have to repent of your sins and become very prayerful and penitential.

    Thank God for this singular opportunity given you to remake your decision.

    God is merely using Amaka as instrument to bring healing in your life.

    I will keep you in my prayers.


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