It is not a Curse

Sly (not real name) had a problem that he really needed to share with someone who would understand. He was an orphan and he lived with a family who graciously gave him a room in their home.

How was he going to tell his strict foster mother that the very skinny girl who lived down the road was pregnant with his child? He eventually confided in a random woman in church who helped him divulge the information to his foster mother, mummy Rose (not real name)

As expected, all hell was let loose, mummy Rose never liked the skinny Uche(not real name) anyway. The first time she saw her talking to Sly, she warned him very sternly to severe any relationship he had with her. She said that she was a sickly young woman and had been like that from birth. Mummy Rose believed that Uche had spiritual problems and that marrying her would bring a lot of bad luck to Sly.

Uche decided to keep the pregnancy and it was during this period that Sly realised that she wasn't just a sickly woman, she also did not have spiritual problems; she was a sickler, she had the sickle cell anemia.

Sly was at first very angry with Uche for not letting him know her genotype. But after listening to the doctor read out to them the risks before Uche as a pregnant woman with the sickle cell anemia,  he immediately felt pity and knew that Uche needed him at this point in her life, besides, he was responsible for her condition.

The new discovery further angered Sly's foster mother and she warned her son again to stay away from Uche. She said that Sly was not financially capable of bearing the burden of a sickler wife. Yes, according to mummy Rose, Uche was going to be a burden and it further confirmed her belief that the young woman was bad luck.

After the birth of their son, Sly did the needful as soon as he was able to. It took about three years, he was doing well in business and needed little or no assistance; he even bought a car. He wedded Uche against his foster mother's wish. Mummy Rose did not attend the beautiful wedding.

Uche took in again after their marriage, this time, the doctors feared that she may lose her life and advised her to get rid of the baby but she insisted on going through with the pregnancy. After the birth of their second child, Uche spent about four months in the hospital battling for her life. She suffered all sorts of complications and also had a blood transfusion. It was a miracle that she survived.

Sly says that with the birth of their second child, he spent his life's savings on hospital bills to save his wife's life. He is yet to recover financially and it's been over five years.

He has started to believe mummy Rose that marrying Uche was bad luck. He believes that sickle cell is a curse and that it made him a poor man. Fortunately, their two children do not suffer from their mother's condition. Sly is still struggling to find his feet, he even sold his car and other belongings.

According to Sly, in all of this, his wife gives him a hell of a time, she calls him lazy and no good. Their marriage is almost broken and Sly says that sickle cell is responsible for how his marriage has turned out; an extremely unhappy one.

I know that he has it all wrong, sickle cell is not a death sentence, it is not a curse and definitely not responsible for the trouble Sly and Uche face in their marriage. This story just made me realise that we need to create more awareness on the sickle cell anemia.


  1. Speechless........
    Lack of understanding btw sly & Uche
    Lack of appreciation 4rm Uche
    Lack of family devotions....
    Dts all I can say..... Lord hav Mercy

  2. People are just silly, he has his greatest assets in the 2 healthy kids they have. They can move on with their lifes if the marriage doesn't work and co parent their kids. Simple

  3. Sickle cell anemia, which is also called sick cell disease, is a condition when red blood cells lose their normal round shape and become shaped like a half moon. These cells can't carry oxygen as well as normal round blood cells. It runs in families, it is a genetic disease you get from a mutated (changed) gene passed down from each parent. Sickle cell trait happens when you get one mutated gene from one of your parents. Sickle cell anemia can be controlled, but not cured. Just a little insight.
    This us why it has become very necessary to have it checked before you get married to ur partner.
    It is painful both to the Sicklerville and on one's finances. I pray that anyone who finds him/herself in this situation. Should just find solace in God. For the lady in this story, she needs to chill out and stop complicating matters. For the man, I pray that our good Lord will bless his business, so he will be able to carry the financial cross.
    Sometimes children need to listen to their parents.
    The qirl in this story is not a witch, it's just one of those things.Hopefully he will find his footing in his business, so he can be financially stable to take care of the hospital bills. God is still God.

  4. A few months ago, CrimsonBow Sickle Cell Initiative provided free sweaters and medication to 200 children of Agege Local government while educating them on sickle cell prevention and management.

    In August, 2017 we are doing this again but even bigger. We are providing free sweaters, water bottles and medication as well as hydrating, nourishing and entertaining the underprivileged children of Alimosho Local government as we take Sickle Cell education to them. There will also be free genotype testing and medical counseling for adults as well. If you live in Alimosho and its environs, please join us at 'Project Keep A Warrior Warm - Phase 2'. Details are as follows:

    Date: Saturday, 5th of August, 2017 (genotype testing)
    Saturday, 12th of August, 2017 (medical talk and children's party)
    Venue: Alimosho Local Government Secretariat, Igando Ikotun LCDA, Lagos, Nigeria.
    Time: 11 am on both dates

    If you feel you will like to touch the lives of these little ones or further put a smile on their faces and will like to donate to, partner or sponsor this event please email or call 08161826816 to request for more information on how to do so. We will still like to provide them with books and a lot more items to make them happy.

    This event is supported by Alimosho Local Government, Nirvana Initiative, Cadbury, Pepsi,, Noble Carpets, Chivita and Indomine.

  5. This story touched my heart. I just thought to share the above about a support group for ss. They are dedicated. Uche and Sly May need them

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