Law and his Master

Sometimes we hear strange stories that sound both fake and weird at the same time; but no matter how educated or westernised we claim to be, some stories are peculiar to us as Africans and especially as Nigerians and there is very little we can do about it.

That is not to say that the western world does not practise witchcraft and some voodoo but it is predominant in Africa.

When we hear tales of people going to witch doctors for reasons like hooking a man/woman, to gain wealth, harm or even kill their “enemies” one begins to wonder what type of individuals engage in such acts.

As much as we try to act foreign or live in denial, most Africans are diabolical and even the bible says that we do not fight against flesh but principality and wickedness in high places.

Law is an able bodied young man who decided to learn a trade instead of furthering his education; he served his master four years diligently after which his family started talks with the boss on how to settle their son.

Law and his Master are both from the same community and there had been insinuations by the other indigenes that Law’s Master never settled his boys without drama. There were even stories like one of his boys dying in a motor accident the same day he paid him off to start his own trade and another one who went missing shortly after his settlement.

Law and his family dismissed all the stories as rumours; Law needed assistance and Chief Odus was willing to take him in but just two weeks after the talks towards Law’s settlement commenced,  he suddenly started acting bizarre and talking to himself.

Law stopped making sense and even became violent; neighbours had to alert his family who quickly took him away before he got worse than he already was, like it is believed in some communities, once a mad person goes into a market the madness will no longer be curable.

They first took him to a prayer house (typical of our people) and when he was stable he was moved to a psychiatrist hospital where he got proper medical care.

The story is that Chief Odus used his diabolical powers to make Law run mad and it was intended to be a permanent condition but for the timely intervention of his family.

The settlement talks resumed again but the Chief claims that Law did not serve him diligently and so does not deserve to be settled. Law's family is shocked to hear of this allegation for the first, the Chief never complained and everything seemed perfect between the two of them.

Athough he claims not to have a hand in Law’s brief mental instability, Law’s family thinks otherwise and I see their reasons. First it was a delay in paying the settlement sum, and then Law goes crazy only for the chief to come up with the latest excuse; something is definitely not right.

After Law left the hospital, there were a few traits of awkwardness in him but ever since his family decided to forget about the settlement and made same known to Chief, there seems to be a fresh lease on life for Law. He eats better, has gained healthy weight and interacts better with people; he is equally ready to start life afresh and talks about the endless opportunities for him out there.

As for Chief, he has moved on and shows no intention of making amends and this says a lot but then how can one prove anything?

(All names used are fictional for privacy sake) 

Happy Feast Day of Assumption to the Catholic Church!


  1. Its only a matter of time before he gets his comeuppance. Let him carry on

  2. Chief Odus type are many in the society today. The Agadagbachiri uzos. The agents of darkness and
    devoural,the roaring Lions. Only prayers can be used to address such case.

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