Never Stop Believing

This is one of those feel good stories when one of my MSW (Mature Single Women) friends says bye bye to MSL (Mature Single Life)

As much as we encourage ladies to stay positive and enjoy life to the fullest while single, one can never overlook the joys of having a good spouse. I say good because with some spouses, a woman is better off living alone.

I just saw an invitation from my favourite MSW, favourite because she lives life to the fullest. She visits beautiful countries all by herself and totally rocks the cities.

She drives a nice car, lives in a beautiful apartment and is not afraid of her success. She owes no-one no explanation for living well.

She is quite vocal and says it just as she sees it without garnishing her words. Annette does not give two hoots who hates her guts.

Whenever we spoke then she always said that she knew her family wanted nothing more than for her to get married and settle with a man as the first daughter. Then in her usual joking nature, she'd say that unfortunately she wouldn't tie a man with a rope and force him to marry her. She also believed that whenever it was time for her to settle down, God would send the right man to her.

She would never apologise for being happy all the time. People gossiped that maybe she was the cause of her unmarriedness:she never seemed unhappy or gloomy but spoke the loudest, laughed the loudest and danced the most.

At middle forties, Annette was unstoppable and she presented to the world the picture most people did not want to see; the picture of happiness especially from MSW. It was a taboo!

What Annette successfully hid from everyone were the sleepless nights when she worried about spending the rest of her life alone. The times she needed help with her generator at an ungodly hour and wish she had a man to help, the days she had to wear her blouse unzipped to church and beckoned on a church member to help her zip up or help her lock her bangle.

Those days reminded her that no man was an island. She cried herself to sleep uncountable times praying to God to give her a husband and make her a mother. Sometimes she locked herself up for days and only communed with God. People did not see this part of Annette and she was okay with it.

She found her man at last, no, her man found her in the strangest of ways; on a mutual friend's social media page. He read her comment, liked it and liked the face behind the comment and started to push for an introduction.

She was just herself the first time Dave called her, chatting away and keeping it real, "Why do I need to visit you?" "Do you want to cultivate my farm?" Her new friend laughed out loud at that last question to which he responded "It would be nice to cultivate and plant in your farm"

The awkward conversation did not end, my crazy friend continued, "this farm has been cultivated and planted in uncountable times, each time, the farmers harvested the crops and disappeared into thin air, now do you want to add to the number of runaway farmers?" "No my love, this farmer has come to buy the whole farm land and intends to keep it forever"

Dave kept calling Annette and they would be on the phone/video call for several hours.

Her originality and sincerity made him stick around. She kept it real, no pretense.

What others despised in Annette, he loved the most.

The proposal came like a shock, Annette had heard all sorts of sweet talks and this to her could just be like the rest but this man took her by surprise and their wedding comes up soon.

To my other MSW, your time will come if you so desire. Never stop believing, every woman needs a good man at some point in life.

I'm mega happy for you my good friend. Congratulations and please keep keeping it real.
(please not that fictional names have been used for privacy sake) 


  1. This is a beautiful love story, Love it! and good things...more like great things still happen to good people. What was hers came at God's perfect time. Who doesnt love a happy ending!

    Wish her a happy married life!

  2. Never lose hope once you know ur God. I wish her the best. Happy for her too.

  3. Nice but happiness is a choice.

  4. I love that part of cultivating the farm��������... She is such a real babe. Am Happy it ended well

  5. Anette was just being honest and truthful to herself. Pretence destroys people and make them loose their opportunities. Dave cashed into Anette's practicality, defiled sentiments and settled with his Eve.

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