Practise what you preach

I was watching a movie with my 16 and 14 year old sons, a kissing scene suddenly came up on us.

Me: Close your eyes (and they started to laugh while closing their eyes) they like to oblige me shaa) and of course I was joking.

Me: Nni, this one you are laughing, I hope you have not kissed or even thought of kissing a girl just yet?

Son: No mum. (the younger one is seriously laughing now) hmm.. I hope these boys don't know what I don't know)

Me: Are you sure? Tell me the truth, I won't be mad but I can advise you.
Son: I'm serious mum, it's not important now.

( I relaxed happily and just as I was thinking to myself, what a wonderful mother I was came the question that turned me into a stammerer)

Son: "Mum, at what age did you kiss the first time?
Not sure the right answer to give him, (18 is around the corner) I said "I was in the University" Not satisfied, he asked again, "was it in your early university days or later?" then I remembered my mum's response to me when I asked a similar question and quickly got into character. "Nnaemeka if I slap you eh, lijuo nsi onu, go and take your bath my friend.

See me see trouble oh, very soon it will turn to "mummy did you practise what you now preach?"

I know I haven't heard the last of this conversation, should I tell him the truth or just lie for peace to reign. Hmm...

Part 2
Later that night, he comes to my bedside, "mummy I pecked a girl, is that a sin?" Eh!!! Did you bring out your tongue? Of course not mummy!!! (looking shocked) Who? I promised not to shout, it's morning but I'm still shouting. Ewo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus the girl is my namesake. 🙆🙆
#parenting gets tougher

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