Queen of his Night

If you are ugly you must either learn to dance or make love. ~ Zimbabwean Proverb

Dustin was a hardworking young man who quickly rose through the ranks in his place of work. He was also a ladies' man; very good looking and every lady wanted to be his friend. Besides, he was a very eligible bachelor.

There was first Goldy, everyone thought that she was the one, she had it all; good looks, good manners, good background, a legal practitioner and working with one of the best law firms. Goldy and Dustin were the power couple and so it was a huge disappointment when they parted ways.

As much as he loved the opposite sex, Dustin was a one woman at a time kind of guy, at every point there was a particular lady who everyone connected to him.

After Goldy came Nzube, who made Goldy look like a joke. Nzube was a power dresser and extremely beautiful. Nothing about her ever gave her away as being a medical doctor. Every Saturday morning she offered free medical care to a small community of under privileged people.

Besides being really compassionate and using her vocation to touch lives, she was a hit with Dustin's friends. She was never tired of entertaining and hanging out with them. She was so real and it was obvious that she was not putting up an act. Dustin's family also loved her to bits.

Dustin dated Nzube for three and a half years. He suddenly started acting funny and when he couldn't hide it any more, he told Nzube that he met someone else.

This was more hurting to his family and their friends, they tried without luck to talk him out of making a grave mistake but Dustin was adamant.

Nzube accepted his decision graciously and in four months invited Dustin's family and all their friends to her Traditional and White wedding which took place on the same day(my kind of girl).

Everyone was there including Dustin and his younger sister was Nzube's maid of honour. Nzube married her ex who was praying and waiting for her relationship with Dustin to end.

It took a whole one year before Dustin introduced Bime to his family for the first time. He had proposed to her, she was the one.

Dustin's mother was so heartbroken, how could her handsome son introduce such an ugly looking girl as his fiancee?

No one would believe that he chose Bime over Nzube. Bime was tall in the funniest way, her calves looked like two tubers of yam tied to a cane.

Even dentists would be scared to fix her really ugly dentition. Her teeth looked as though she needed them for hunting.

You would expect such a lady to have a great personality to make up for what she lacked in her looks but that wasn't the case, she wanted none of Dustin's friends around, the moment she met them. According to her, they did not like her.

She told Dustin that his family were not nice to her, she complained about everyone and everything.

Dili, Dustin's best friend was sure the relationship was over when he went to the bar with the couple one Friday night. An old female friend of theirs saw the two guys and hugged them passionately while exchanging pleasantries. She had not seen them since she left their company for another one.

Bime was so rude to her when she introduced herself. She called her a flirt and quickly turned to Dustin and poured insults on him, from idiot to bastard and other insults she could think of. Afterwards, she left them and took a cab home.

Dili could not hide his disappointment when he saw Dustin and Bime together in the same bar the next weekend.

A few month's later, Dustin got married to Bime. He admits to anyone who cares to listen that he is in a very bad marriage. Bime is very abusive and will never let his family visit him in peace.

She fights him for not changing a bulb or even something more stupid. She's rude to his friends and has been asked not to attend their estate meeting anymore; she accused a neighbour of sleeping with her husband. The poor woman did not even know who her husband was.

When Dili asked Dustin why he ever considered making Bime his wife, without mincing words, Dustin told her that she more than made up for her bad behaviour in the bedroom.

No matter how badly they quarreled, she must give him a good time in the bedroom. In silly Dustin's words,  "she is a professor of sexology"

He says he's seen it all but no woman comes a hundred miles close to Bime in doing a man right in the bedroom.

She goes the whole nine yards each time holding nothing back. She maybe a demon to the world and also keeps him miserable during the day but she's the Queen of his Night, she douses every flame of bad behaviour with extremely very good sex.

Dustin I greet you oh, is sex the most important part of marriage? How about the other qualities Proverbs 31 highlights of a virtuous woman?

Ps: this story is true but fictitious names have been used for privacy sake


  1. Na hole go swallow Dustin. Time go reach when sex is no longer the catch in a marriage. Then we will know about the whole nine yards.

  2. No be small thing 🤢🙊!!
    Is their bedroom secret what they would teach their kids?
    That Dustbin guy is very selfish and cares not about posterity.

    Good luck to him and sorry to his family and friends.

  3. Hmmm...talk about prioritising. Anyways, one man's meat is another man's poison.

  4. He will get tired of sex very soon. Then he will see clearly.

  5. Marriage is not all about sex. Well,goodluck to Dustin

  6. I tire for Dustin, he got his priority wrong.let see how far that'll take him.

  7. Dustin might feel inferior to the beautiful & well to do ladies in his past, maybe that's why he didn't marry them. Anyways, "so you lay your bed so you lie in it"

  8. Ihukwam... marriage isn't al about sex oo. Pele Dustin abi Dustbin��������

  9. so so sorry for Dustin, is good sex enough to marry a badly mannered woman,I just hope and pray for him very soon DAT d scale will Fall his eyes very soon and he will be able to sing' I can see clearly now,d rain us gone, keep d good flag flying aunty Amaka.

  10. Lie on your bed the way you make it. Some marriages have crashed due to the wife's lacklustre performance in the bedroom. If Dustin appreciates this virtue more than at other in his wife then he should live with that. Keyword is 'his wife's. End of.

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