Tiny (2)

The school authority gave Tiny a warning letter same day after listening to both parties.

It was a repeat of the previous attack the following day, but this time there were no slaps.

On day three, as Ife was on her way to the dining hall for breakfast, Tiny emptied another bucket of water on her.

This time, a fight broke out and Tiny displayed fighting skills that no one ever thought could come from such a small person.

She beat this much bigger senior student like a baby. The students decided not to report this incident for the penalty for fighting was expulsion.

By day four Ife had started living in fear of the little terror, she had not slept in three days for fear of what Tiny would do next.

Ife planned with three of her friends to take Tiny by surprise while she slept; but like they say, 'he who kills with the knife does not let the knife pass his back"

As they approached her corner, she had a big bowl of an unknown substance which she quickly threw on the first two seniors that approached her side of the bunk.

Their screams woke all the students, some quickly ran to the Matron's house to alert her for it was obvious that they had in their hands a medical emergency.

By morning, the substance was identified as red blended pepper, the two students were admitted in the school clinic initially but were transferred to a hospital in town for further treatment.

Ife had sneaked into the school's kitchen and took some of the pepper there.

One of the students was a daughter to the school's Chief Security officer. When Tiny was summoned; she showed no remorse, no prize for guessing that she was expelled.

Before she left the school premises, the Chief Security Officer who was visibly livid placed a curse on her, he said to her that she would never give birth to a child. Everyone was shocked that this statement was the only thing that broke Tiny, she broke down in tears and asked the man for forgiveness.

The old man was adamant and it took other people's intervention to get him to change his mind. He told Tony that she would forever be clumsy when she walks.

Till date, Tiny always trips whenever she walks and it's been over 20 years. She is older and fatter and cannot afford to trip all the time. She's seriously seeking a solution. As for me, I choose not to accept it, not like I do not believe in curses but what moral justification did he have to place a curse, after all, his daughter looked for trouble.

I really hope Tiny finds a solution soon.

Good luck Flora a.k.a Tiny! a.k.a Elastic!


  1. One glaring question is, does Tiny have a baby of her own? This could give some credit to her tripping curse. And another question is, does Tiny have an undiagnosed problem that might get overlooked in Nigeria? Autism? Anyways I don't believe in curses.

  2. Dear Tiny, it is all in your mind. We can believe things into existence without knowing. (Read "The secret "). It will take a lot of work but you can overcome it.

  3. Blessings and curses will only work on you when you believe and confess what has been pronounced over your life...you shall have what you say!.

    And the old man is feeling macho pronouncing curses over a tiny girl?... And they come dey beg am again,I no blame am. Let him go an be cursing his agemate .. Yet he would want his own daughter to do well..abi?

    Some misunderstood kids turned out very okay later in life, some didn't..that's life for you!

  4. It is not about the curse, it is about Tiny's mindset. We had a similar incident at our boarding school then. What the senior got was "devil beans", he nearly used a sharp knife to scratch off his "you know" that night. The rest, they say; is history. The juniors still carry the scars internally and externally of the incidents.

  5. Hmmm. Oh my dear tiny... May you find solution to this problem

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