A Beautiful Thing

Please let me do a little bit of gossip today, I hear that any man who sleeps with Ooni's ex-queen without the appropriate cleansing may die prematurely.

This can't be funny because even if it is not true men will run very far away from this young lady who is at the peak of her life and almost at the age where women's sexual libido is on the increase.

But how about the Oba? What happens to any woman who sleeps with him? Will they die prematurely as well? Hmm..

Maybe this is why they say that it is a man's world.

I feel for this young lady for several reasons. First, how to cope with the loss of such a good looking man. (in my opinion he's very handsome and attractive) The Oba is a total package, good looks, wealth and power; just what most ladies want; every lady but me. Lol.

Except she plans to go celibate or become deeply religious or spiritual, "body no be firewood"

If and when she goes through the spiritual cleansing with the new man, will she be able to cope with lower standards. It may be difficult to find another man like the fine Oba who will provide the sort of luxury and status that she got used to in seventeen months. But she could be a Graça Machel who married two presidents.

Will any man ever be willing to go through the rigours of this cleansing with her? A foreigner maybe but definitely not a Nigerian especially from the Oba's state.

Former Olori will now know who her real friends are especially from the new ones who became friends with her after she became the most popular Olori.

I also hope that she will not be shocked if she finds her friends struggling to be the next Olori. Hahahaha. It's a jungle out there and only the fittest survive.

I'm truly sad that this union ended, there were a lot of distractions in the beginning but they were able to put their detractors to shame and went ahead with the marriage which was really cool.

What did the Oba see now that he did not see then? Or did the Olori  decide not to condone anymore? Even the oracle confirmed that she was the one, so what went wrong?

It can't be easy for both parties; While former Olori faces a possible life of "no show" the Oba may need extra security to keep the ladies far away.

I like them a lot and wish them the very best in their new lives without each other. *shame*

Above all, I really do hope that they find true love for love is  such  a beautiful thing


  1. Haha @ total package and good looks. I don't think so.... And she's been married before. She'll be fine without him. They both are average looking people. If she didn't save up enough during these months with him then she can go back to her business dealings....oops I said too much

  2. All that glitters is not gold! Your neighbours grass is always greener, but you haven't bothered to check the water rate, the gardener's charges, the care and nurturing etc. It's a man's world certainly, but every man that has fallen was brought down by a woman from way back!

  3. It is not good news they went their separate ways, but I feel that life is cool knowing what you want and going for what is needed while dropping all that we destroy you together. Long live the institution of marriage.

  4. I pity her with all the glamour gathered within that short period, hmmmm! HEAVEN HELP BOTH TO SECURE ANOTHER TRUE LOVE FROM BOTH SIDE.

  5. She will eventually come to terms with the reality just like Lady Diana's love story. However, I pray for her to enjoy her new love life without any tragedy.

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