
I appreciate all who took the time to wish my father a Happy Birthday. May God bless you all.

While I enjoyed the good wishes and prayers for my father, I got an unpleasant story.

Jane had been married to her husband for over five years but started to notice that her marriage was in trouble earlier in the year.

Kolby her husband wouldn't touch her except she cried and begged him for "it".

It was hard to understand, Kolby would grab her at the slightest opportunity and couldn't get enough of her. She even had to hide sometimes to get undressed for fear of being pounced on by Kolby.

She decided that she wouldn't beg her own husband for sex anymore; she would wait it out to see when he would long for her and ask to be intimate again.

She wasn't prepared for what she got, weeks turned into months and she found herself without any action for six months.

This confirmed to her that Kolby was definitely getting something somewhere and so she started to snoop around.

She went to any length to find out if he had a girlfriend before she took any decision. Jane is an IT trained engineer and so hacking into her husband's email was a piece meal. It was the next thing to do since she couldn't get the password to his phone.

Jane says that she's alive today purely by God's grace for what she uncovered almost sent her to an early grave.

Her husband had exchanged over a hundred emails with a particular contact and when she checked further, she saw a lot of pictures.

They were all nude pictures of a full blooded young man. Why would Kolby have naked pictures of another man with an erect Popsicle?

It was when she saw a one liner sent message from her husband to his friend which read, "can't wait to hold your rod" that she started to breathe fast and feel dizzy all at once.

Was Kolby gay?!! Yes, he was gay,  she also found email exchanges fixing a date with same person for a "hot afternoon"

She was still crying when her husband found her. Kolby didn't deny it, he just said he couldn't believe he did all that, it must be that he was manipulated with black magic by the young man he was sleeping with.

He said he needs help and does not want his marriage to end; yet he he's finding it hard to stop. They've been on this for five months and he keeps meeting with his lover.

He has begged Jane to help cover his shame and stick with him; he does not want his two children stigmatised and has promised to be the best husband and father. He now makes an effort to be intimate with his wife. Hmm... Nonsense

Jane wants to leave the marriage still but feels like she has some responsibilities towards him, she says that he may commit suicide if she leaves him. Story!

I have asked Jane to leave him ASAP,  he may even infect her with a Sexually Transmitted Disease. (STD)

I'm homophobic and not civilised enough to accept Homosexuality in any form.


  1. Sad one for Jane. I think Jane need not leave the marriage she should fight the devil to say her marriage. Besides it was a vow for better for worst. I think this is the worst for her let her stay by him and help him out. She can seek the service of a psychologist and back it up with prayer she will over come

  2. What a mess! Leaving him won't solve the problem,but prayers and counseling will.I'll advice Jane not to be too intimate with him pending when he's fully rehabilitated. But if he refuses to turn a new leaf and its becomes life threatening to her,then leaving him is the only way for Jane's survival.

  3. Hmmmm...The works of the devil has been exposed so that Kolby will be delivered. God knows the end from the beginning that's why He gave Jane to Kolby as a wife, so Jane leaving Kolby is not the solution because Jane's purpose is to help Kolby be the man that God wants Him to be. My advice to Jane- Firstly accept your husband's apology and remorse. Respect His confidence in you and thank God for exposing this evil hold on your husband.
    Secondly, ensure he is properly tested to see if there are traces of any infections (STDs) and encourage treatments and management where necessary. At this point Jane arm yourself with God's word and begin to protect and help your husband and children in the place of prayer (very important).
    Thirdly, show your husband so much love like never before-this will draw him home and make him irritated of any external ungodly love. Help him to see how God feels about sexual immorality and help him draw close to God.
    I believe if Jane starts with these step the devil will flee her husband, for love CONQUERS ALL things (1 Corinthians 13)

  4. This is a very nasty story and I've got nothing but sympathy for Jane. I live in the Western world where there is probably a higher level of tolerance for homosexuality. This has not changed my views on the issue. The evil men and women perpetuate these days makes me wonder what Sodom and Gomorrah did that God destroyed them. My advise, Jane pack up your things and leave, Kolby is not a real man and there are still real men out there. There is a huge possibility that he is only being apologetic because of the embarrassment it will cause him if Jane leaves. Such men do not really change. In the more civilized world, they are more brazen and proud of their sexual orientation
    and do not see the need to be otherwise. It will be impossible for Jane to have that confidence that Kolby is a changed man and would never trust him even on lads night out.

  5. You are what you are, it has nothing to do the devil. Imagine how long that he has been hiding his true sexuality? He should be evaluated for mental illness. My dear Jane, move out & move on with your life as you cannot be stuck in a marriage just for marrying sake. You deserve your own love & joy & plenty of sex too. Divorce is your first option immediately. Good luck

  6. Satanic, stupid, selfish, shameless and spoilt soul! How many Ss? What business does a child of God have with such people? Whose kids are those, by the way? I have heard a story of a woman with two children but is a virgin! Freaking stuff! Her husband begged to not be exposed and pleaded for some very private, water-tight adoption to make the world believe he put his wife in the family way! And the foolish woman has remained a virgin in the eyes of Chukwuabiama, and puts up such show publicly, while dying silently! That has made me so scared of this sin of not tasting the forbidden fruit before nuptial! How do we avoid such calamity befalling ladies? In the light of such, Amaka Nnem, beam your search light on how to deal with the 'sin' and not remain a virgin for life, living in pain and sin! Which sin is bigger?

  7. It's like Kolby was not a gay before getting married to Jane and suddenly he found himself roped into it. This calls for special prayers and Jane has a role to play here. Pray for Divine intervention for Kolby to be delivered for her own good and that of their children. It is her cross in the marriage.

  8. Devil has got absolutely nothing to so with this o....Jane should flee from evil.....homosexuality is condemned in the bible....let Kolbs mother do d deliverance for his son....not Jane..

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