Peace Talks

Jack and Tara got married in a very elaborate wedding ceremony which attracted a lot of guests from all walks of life. Certain people attended the event just to confirm that indeed the most over eligible bachelor had finally decided to settle down; they also wanted to know who it was that had the magic touch.

There was huge age gap between Jack and Tara, a little over twenty years but that did not pose any problem, they loved each other regardless and that was all that mattered. Jack was a very successful business man before he met and married Tara, Tara on the other hand was a silver spoon kid and sometimes acted like she was from Mars.

The first few years were okay especially with the birth of their two children within a space of two years. Considering that Jack always wanted just two children and had made this known to Tara even before they got, it looked like the young family was doing well and good.

People were genuinely happy for them but failed to see that there were cracks in the marriage; the major one being the issue of food. Tara could not cook to save a soul, initially, it was not a problem; they were in love and made all sorts of promises to each other.

Jack had thought that with time, there would be an improvement on Tara’s cooking but that did not happen; Tara was just not interested. This hurt Jack because he did all he could to make his wife happy, he gave his time and other resources to ensure that his family had the best especially his wife Tara.

On the other hand, Tara acted like she loathed him; she also said things to insinuate that she did him a favour by getting and staying married to him. She snubbed him when he tried to make rules for the home or seek her opinion on issues concerning them.

She talked down on him and did exactly the opposite of anything that he wanted. If he paid her a compliment on her outfit, she would change it, if he liked her handbag, she abandoned that bag; he never did right in her eyes.

He liked his food prepared in a certain way but that was the least of Tara’s problems and even when he tried to teach her, she rebuffed him. Jack ate out daily and also bought food for later consumption at home.

This was not meant to be in the plan.
Jack never envisaged that eating out every day, antagonism from the wife, disrespect; verbal abuse and general disregard of his feelings, needs and opinions were part of marital bliss.

He secretly regretted ever succumbing to societal pressure, he was happier as a single man. He could eat whatever he wanted to eat, whenever he wanted to and had it prepared how he wanted it.

He could also get laid without drama. The times that Tara gave it to him freely, it was obvious that her womb was open and ready to welcome a foetus; yes the problems started that early but Jack was too embarrassed to take any action for what people could say about him.

A certain Nigerian proverb when translated means that a child is not beaten on the day he commits a big offence, however when he commits a smaller offence he faces the wrath of the elders for the bigger offence. This describes the events that ensued later.

In all of the turbulence in their marriage, Tara still fell pregnant again with their third child (Men can never say no to; she was three months gone before she gave the news to her husband.

Jack said no word, the next morning, he went to the business he started for Tara, took inventory of everything, Tara could not account for all the losses he discovered. He took her car keys and asked her to leave his house that evening. Tara did not understand why she was asked to leave, was it because of the pregnancy or the other issues he mentioned in his anger?

She had never seen Jack that angry, his eyes burned with rage and she could tell that he was ready to kill her and go to jail like he threatened while he scolded her. She was convinced of the general belief about quiet men; they go overboard when they are angry.

It was a rude shock to her that Jack had the guts to ask her to leave his mansion, but he wasn’t done; he packed their son’s belongings and handed them over to her and asked Tara to take her son while he stayed with their daughter (he is obviously not an Igbo

He sent her out while it rained cats and dogs; Tara and her son were drenched in rain before the cab she had called arrived to pick them.

Jack could have been fighting a good fight but he lost all credibility when he got their young son involved and made him suffer that way. He should have also considered Tara’s condition. My take though.

Peace talks are ongoing and Tara has had her fill of the humble pie. I wish them all the best.
(Please note that fictitious names have been used for privacy sake)


  1. Not to hold brief for Tara, I know that some men are unlucky....saddled with a bad partner...and vice versa, but Jack overreacted- by taking over her business, her car and so on. How does he expect her to cope with the son?. He respectfully took her as his lawful wife, if for any reason(as in any reason) he wants out, he ought to seek separation, dissolution or better still resolution while according her respect and not discard her like a bad habit. This is his wife, they have built a family TOGETHER, wether she is bringing in money or not, she played a role! This type of scenario is why pre-nuptial agreement is recommended (esp for highly successful people) in many countries today, ehhhmmm...Naija will catch up some day. I am a man, and I believe that a wife deserves better treatment overall.

  2. Hmmmm.. What a story!
    All these would have been avoided, like I would say love is blind but marriage opens the eyes to the reality on ground. Tara really hurt Jack's ego with the insults and nonchalant behaviors. She felt she was doing him a favor as regards to the age gap between them not knowing she was digging her pit of disgrace.
    Well two wrongs cannot make a right, the deed has been done am sure they would have learnt their lessons especially Tara, I wish them well in the peace talk at least for the sake of the baby in the womb.

  3. Jack acted out of frustration and anger. He has been badly treated and humiliated by a woman he has given so much,though two wrongs can't make a right but we shouldn't crucify him for doing what he did. I believe it will make their union better. Tara should sit up and care for her husband.

  4. When Jack went ahead to marry Tara who was twenty years younger, he should have known that he will have some attitudes from her to face. How do expect Tara, a sylver spoon kid to be so perfect in the kitchen and other domestic chores when she might have had some domestic assistants at her disposal. However, Jack should not throw away the baby with the bath water. He has to give her chance to learn from her mistakes and make amend. I solicit for reconciliation.

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