Super Tease

Theo is a well known philanthropist in the city where he resides. He's known for the school scholarships he provides for the children from poor homes in his community.

Theo is a typical nice guy and he has a lovely family. He married the young lady who had approached him to help her pay for a scheduled surgery.

He did not only pay but ensured that she got second and third different opinions before settling for one.

After Fina recuperated, she went back to thank Theo and that was when he first noticed her.

And as they say, the rest is history, Theo got married to Fina and they are blessed with seven adorable children. This is not the story though.

Theo can pass for an upright man but he had a reason to doubt himself at some point.

His driver recently lost his accommodation and it was affecting his performance. He had to constantly move his family of five from one place to the other, having to beg relatives to accommodate his family for some time.

Theo just had to go against his principle of not having any staff apart from the chef live in his compound.

He asked his driver Pat to come with his family to occupy two rooms in his servants' quarters.

That was a big mistake, he saw one of the children peeing into a flower pot.

They were unruly children but he kept managing as he even contacted his own agency to carry out a search for a decent apartment just so he could relocate his driver's family.

The story here is that Pat has a wife who is extremely beautiful. Tall with every part of her endowment fixed perfectly in her.

For the first time, Theo started to think about another woman. He knew it was wrong, he had never engaged in any extra marital affair but this particular lady was like a good fruit, ripe and ready to be eaten.

What he hated most was the fact that he enjoyed thinking about her and all he could do to her.

On one very busy Sunday when they had a lot of unplanned guests, the driver's wife came into the house to assist.

Theo was not aware of this and when he walked into the kitchen, he met Nina the driver's wife as she was leaving at that moment.

Nina greeted him respectfully and squeezed past him at the entrance door. He wasn't sure if it was intentional or not but her two oranges which made it impossible to believe that she had four children rubbed against him gently but quickly and in a way that sent a message to his member (hahahaha) which responded aggressively.

He forgot all about what he came to do in the kitchen and had to rush to his bedroom to appease the Honourable member. Lol

One thing was clear to Theo though, a game was about to start and Nina was a willing participant.

One fateful day during the holidays, he came back early from his office and just as he finished lunch, Nina walked into the dining area. "Good afternoon sir" she greeted but Theo was busy thinking of what she had come to do; her husband was home besides she had no business in the main house at that time.

She walked straight to him, opened her wrapper and she had nothing on, she watched as his power house rose to power 10 in a second. Then she covered herself and left him.

Theo's wife and children were out of the country on vacation and so he was all alone.

He had to do that ungodly act to douse the fire that was burning in him.

The next morning, he asked Theo to move his family out of the servants' quarters without giving him any reason or notice. He also loaned him some money for an initial deposit if he got a new place.

Nina just see what you have caused your family. I can't count up to two men who can take such drastic decision like Theo just to keep their self respect.

But I really hope he took that decision because he wanted to flee from temptation and not in anger for such a super tease! Lol

Please note that the names used are fictional


  1. o chim! onwunwa nke a...kudos to Theo for being brave amidst all temptations. hope we'll get to know the exact reasons for his sudden decision

  2. Lucky guy. The witches and wizards in his village would have used him for pepperoni and cheese.

  3. Lol.. @ power house rose to power 10. Whatever his reasons are doesn't matter now, the main point is that he was able to control himself and not commit despite the rising of the power house. It takes self discipline not to do that. God help him not to fall into this temptation again.

  4. The man Don fall. No need.

  5. There's a part 2 to this story, Amaka please concur !!!

  6. Its called self control nwoke ike

  7. Uwww, what a disciplined guy! Love that!!!

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