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An anonymous comment on my Unusual Business story was quite heartwarming. A reader narrated a similar experience but in this case the street hawker offered his goods to be purchased on credit. This was someone he had never seen but he trusted that he would get his money. This Lilea’s blog reader (LBR) was so impressed and paid way over what the boxes of tissues cost.
That to me is how life should be and especially in this season of Christmas, one should strive to do ordinary things in extra ordinary ways. The street hawker did a simple act of trust and the LBR also did a simple act of giving both done in unique circumstances.
What does Christmas mean to you? To me, it means happiness, love, peace and giving. The atmosphere is different and there is so much joy all around. This is the only period when I can wear stupid colourful hats and feel absolutely normal.
There is music everywhere and people are just happy. It is a season of extraordinary acts of goodwill and I can give a few tips on how to make the season a special one for yourself and others around you.
First...Visit your parents!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow may be too late. Call them if they are too far away. Shower them with all the love in you.
Think of someone you haven’t seen or spoken to in a long while, call up the person and find out how he/she is doing.
Make peace with someone you hurt or who hurt you. Life is too short.
Buy a gift or gifts for the street security man/men on your street or send food and drinks to them.
Buy a carton of toys and give one to each child that you come across rich or poor. This point reminds me of a beautiful story I came across yesterday.
I was at a family gathering and it was such a happy one, children were all over the place, running around and having a lot of fun while the adults did what they did best; eat, drink and gossip.lol.
Towards the end of the gathering, this very beautiful lady with the most amazing body walks looking all shades of hot, she had the celebrity look and carriage only that she smiled a lot and was quite friendly and courteous.
Then one of the little boys who had been running around ran to her, hugged her and dragged her upstairs to see what he had been up to. I asked if that was her son; there was no resemblance, she was fair and the boy was rich dark chocolate and also looked like a Northerner.
That was when I heard their story, the little boy’s father was a gateman next door to this charming lady’s office and the boy took a liking to her. The lady and the boy of about ten years old bonded so well that he became like a son to her. The boy’s father who lost his job as a gateman now works for this lady and the boy has become like a son to Lililan. She takes care of all of the boy’s needs and ensures that he is well looked after. For a ten year old, the little boy is quite small owing to years of hardship and poor feeding.
I also learnt that the little boy has been enrolled in a really good school where he is going through make up classes to get him to a level where he can blend with other students. He speaks only his language and has a perfect command of the Pidgin language and that explains why the other children at the party looked at him funny each time he spoke.
Lilian UnaChukwu a foremost Nigerian Celebrity Stylist is doing an extra ordinary act of goodwill this season and beyond. She came all the way from another function to pick her "son" who accompanied her own brother to this party.
There was a world’s difference between them but she didn’t care as she held on to her the little boy, she has a mission to accomplish and gradually the boy would be all that God created him to be through the help of this beautiful young lady who has decided to engage in an act of Unusual kindness.
Another thing to do this season is to send some items to any of the IDP camps.
Ankara is always a good gift for the seniors so if you are travelling buy a handful and give out to those you meet. They don’t have to be related to you.
Do something for an orphan, a widow or a widower. If you know any child or children who recently lost a mother, please show some motherly love to them.
Give your boss a gift.
Give the office assistant a gift.
Give a beggar more than you ordinarily would. The type that Akeem (Eddie Murphy) gave in the movie "Coming to America"
To be continued…
I'm expecting who'd giv me charity dis Christmas.
ReplyDeleteMy dear Lilea, u'v made my year wt all ur stories.
God Bless ur narrative vocabulary 4 2018 so u can entertain we ur readers
There is an inner joy you get when you give . May God give us the grace to share .
ReplyDeleteFor me I think everyday should be Christmas in the sense that we should be ready to always offer assistance to the less privileged in our society.
ReplyDeleteBlessed is the hand that giveth.......
ReplyDeleteGive and it shall be given unto you.
ReplyDeleteGivers never lack, better to give than to receive.
I am so proud of you dear and thanks for the gentle reminder to give especially in this season.
ReplyDeleteOne of my surest route to happiness is giving.
ReplyDeleteXmas is really a special time to show love.Thanks for reminding me of a different category of people to show love this season.May your ink never cease
ReplyDeleteJust showing little bit of kindness every now and then gives that inner peace which all the wealth of the world cannot give.
ReplyDeleteIt actually gives a sense of achievement on the inside.
Amaks I join Ebere to say that your ink will never run dry.
Let's go out now and be the true ambassadors of Christ's birth.