Dead on Arrival

Photo credit: battabox on youtube

I read this story on an online platform.

This lady is set to wed in a few days but she just made a shocking discovery that has put her in a place of confusion. 

There were a few repairs to be done around the house (not sure whose house but I guess it was her fiancé's house) 

She fell asleep and left fiancé to supervise the workman who was making the repairs. 

She woke up some hours later and went to check the progress of the work as she was surprised that fiancé had not come  into the bedroom. 

To her total shock and disbelief, her fiancé who was strongly opposed to sex before marriage was stark naked with the handy man having gay sex.  Did you hear me right?  Gay sex!!!! 

She's now confused and is not sure if she should cancel the wedding or go ahead with it. 

My advice to this lady is to run very far, nothing to be confused about.  Just cancel the wedding and forget all about the man. If you go ahead with the marriage because of all the arrangements that have been made, in a few years when the heart aches start, all these won't matter. Flee my sister flee for the marriage is dead on arrival!


  1. Nawa he should have come out clean before any arrangements or committing to this fake marriage .please she should walk away from this man and find happiness elsewhere.

  2. There can never be any sort of marriage between a heterosexual and gay person. One of the fundamental elements of marriage is absent. physical attraction. It's important that a married couple are able to sustain a sexual relationship for the life of the union.

  3. Why please people just so you can condemn yourself to years of unending hurt? What arrangement is worth mortgaging your life? Run,nay flee from the evil union whilst you can!

  4. Love Lust or Run...Run four forty

  5. Huh!...Mmmmmmh?...And she's confused eeh???

  6. Right now she isn't emotional hence the need for advice. She isn't sound because I can only imagine the shock in which she is in right now.
    Luckily she found out before commitment, I read the story of lady that found out her hubby is gay after 10years of marriage and indeed her world came crumbling.
    My advice like everyone has said is to get her stability and then take a walk without looking back else emotional and sentimental blackmail might set in. Definitely the man would come begging with one million and one excuses.

  7. People can be amazing, when you get the priviledge of seeing the handwriting on the wall in black and white, you want it to become a splash of paint or design in grey. It is what it is. He will not be delivered from this bondage because you went ahead and married him. You consent to it when you go ahead with it. And your discoveries will be worse off because you knew from the start.

    You are more worried about what people will say (that's why you are confused) than what your life will be here on. Flee from evil, this is not even an appearance of evil anymore.

  8. Confused kwa?...very simple something....the guy like banana....she no get banana...equation solved


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