Juli's sadness

Illustrative picture. Photo credit: www.harrycutting.com

The catering business Juli recently started got bigger and due to the expansion of the business Juli needs more commercial kitchen utensils especially the big pots. 

Juli can afford these items but it occurred to her that her  mother who passed a few years ago left behind a store filled with all sorts of utensils having herself had a brief stint as a caterer.

This should please her but it has become the source of Juli's sadness. .

Her only brother who is just a year older than her gave her some conditions to meet before opening the store. 

First he asked her to tell their other siblings in case any other person was interested. This is very good advice if you ask me. 

Juli's main grouse however is that her brother asked her to seek his wife's permission as she is now the custodian of most of their mother's property. Juli has vehemently refused to ask her brother's wife to grant her access to her late mother's store. 

Her argument is that a woman who never even met their mother should not be put in charge of their mother's personal stuff.

The elders of their family have intervened to say that as the first daughter Juli has a right over her late mother's property but her  brother still insists that it is compulsory for Juli to get an approval from his wife.  

She really needs the items in the store but would rather break into the store than seek her sister in law's permission.  

For me it depends on the attitude of the sister in law,  I can either break the key to the store or ask nicely.  The sister in law should have have put an end to the quarrel immediately by handing over the key.  She should not make herself the centre of her husband's rift with his family.

But why do some people like trouble? 


  1. Common decency should make the Sister in law know that it is improper for this fight. That's her mother's stuff for goodness sake

  2. That's her mother's stuff... The sister in law has no right whatsoever

  3. I don't think we need a prophet to tell us that the two aren't best of friends/sisters. It's always beautiful to see sisters in-law bond with their brothers' wives and vice versa.

    Maybe Juli didnt get along with the sister inlaw before she married her brother. So the beef is still on and it's payback time.

    Sorry Juli, your sister in-law is waiting to see the constipated look on your face when you ask for the keys....unless Angel Gabriel appears to her first!

    1. I disagree with you on contispated look on the face when asking for the keys.. The cooking utensils is not the husband's property. Juli's brother has a role to play.

    2. Of course the brother has a role to play...the story is incomplete!

      Must she start her business with her mother's property, right or not? She can do it all by herself if she sets her heart to it by God's grace.

      Some people have built empires without family inheritance (pots and pans included) So...

  4. Since Juli can afford what she needs for her business she should go ahead and buy new ones. Simple

  5. Ihe onye ruru ogoye abughi usa . Juli has every right to inherit her mother's properties especially utensils, trinkets and wears. The elder brother telling her to take permission from his wife who didn't even know their mother is wrong. Infact something is wrong somewhere along the line of their relationships. Juli should try by all means to possess her inheritance and not to allow her brother humiliate her with the wife.

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