The Thorn on a Rose 1

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All she ever wanted was to be happy. She was raised in a good Christian home where her father treated her mother like a queen. BuChim was a very decent girl, gentle and so soft spoken.  

She lived a life of purity and believed that there was no need to explore life with men for her knight in shining armour would find her some day and take her away to a happily ever after life. 

She attended the best schools and had the best of education and when she was ripe for marriage, she feared secretly that she may be one of those ladies who would still be single at age fifty. 

BuChim (not real name) did not let her fears show,  she was her sweet self, she had a very good job and was quite good at it. She grew through the ranks and become a very senior staff in the private company where she worked. 

Going home from work one evening,  she decided to take a walk,  she lived not too far from her office and this was something she did randomly. On days like this, she sent her driver home with the car and walked. 

She had barely left the office premises when a middle aged man walked up to her. He had sighted her while he made some withdrawals from the ATM. 

He tried to chat her up but she was a bit cold,  it was a fairly safe neighborhood, a gated estate and so she felt more of irritation than fear. It was meant to be a relaxing walk, when she cleared her mind of every negativity.  

The stranger did not give up, he walked with her and kept trying to get her to loosen up. As she walked past her home she prayed that her security or a neighbour wouldn't be outside.

The man's name was Eloka (not real name), he walked round BuChim's estate twice with her. When she got tired, she stopped and asked him sternly what he wanted and why he chose to share his life history with someone he hardly knew. 

Looking at him for the first time that evening, she saw that he looked quite noble with a few grey hair.

She asked him how he would get home and Eloka said he parked across her office.  She offered to walk him to his car and he wouldn't leave till he got a commitment from her to dine with him after work the following day. 

Eloka was parked in front of her office an hour before BuChim was ready to leave the office. He took her to a Chinese restaurant close by because BuChim would not leave her neighborhood. 

Although she had a great evening, BuChim still had some reservations about Eloka. The food was nice,  he made a lot of sense, knew about almost everything and was so funny. He was a lawyer and had his own law firm. 

He gave her some legal advice on some pending official issues. BuChim found him very interesting. 

After a month of seeing each other at lunch and sometimes dinner,  BuChim started to get comfortable with Eloka. 

He visited her at home and was blown away by the classy décor of her home.  He told her she would fix his new home and before the evening was over BuChim had a lucrative interior design contract to execute.

The day she turned her work in and handed over the keys to his newly rented and decorated apartment, Eloka got down on one knee and asked for BuChim's hand in marriage. 

The story has just begun...


  1. Don't make me cry today oo... Nice story.... Doesn't work that way though 🙊🙈😂

  2. Maybe they will live happily ever after

  3. The beginning is just too rosy,
    Let's watch & see what d end would look like.

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