The Thorn on a Rose 3

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BuChim had not quite healed when her maid knocked on her door one early morning. 

She had not heard from Eloka in five weeks so why would he show up in her house just without notice. 

She called him thrice after the awkward incident but he did not pick and never returned her calls. She was not sure what to do; she needed to seek anybody's advice but who? 

Her mother died a year before she met Eloka, she was her best friend and so she bore all her pain alone. 

She just lay on her bed and thought of how to face Eloka.  She cried every night for as long as she could remember. She ate a lot for comfort and had put on a whole 5kg.

She was deep in thoughts when she heard another knock on her door. It had been almost an hour since she was told that Eloka was outside her gate. 

She asked her maid to tell the security man to let him in. She took a quick shower and went to face Eloka. She had a lot of questions for him and she also needed to tell him all that she had, bottled up inside of her. 

Buchim was surprised to see Eloka in the company of a woman. Before she could say anything, Eloka was on his knees. 

She couldn't believe that the same man who humiliated her was on his knees in her sitting room crying like a baby and begging her to forgive him. 

She let her guard down for this man and she had spent the past weeks trying to understand what happened to her and how out of all the men she had come across, it was Eloka that pulled down the walls that guarded her heart. 

The woman with Eloka was his mother! She pleaded with BuChim to take her son back. 

After all the drama, Eloka's mother excused herself to let them talk. Eloka explained that he did not expect her to be a virgin and was not sure how to react. He was a virgin's virgin for he had never been with one. 

He said he felt so unworthy of her,  he had lived a rough life and knew immediately that he was undeserving of her which infuriated him.  He was angry with himself and not with her. 

They spoke for a long time and when he was ready to leave he held her close and gave her a long kiss. 

They both walked to his car where his mother was waiting impatiently.  She saw that Eloka looked a lot like her but was amazed by her youthfulness.  Eloka's mum told BuChim a few funny stories about her son and thanked her for taking him back. 

She said Eloka was so scared to visit her all alone and had to drag her along. As the two women chatted, Eloka came round to where they were, knelt down on one knee and proposed to BuChim with the most beautiful engagement ring. 

The engaged couple both agreed to wait till they were married before they went on another adventure. 

After six months of courting and planning Eloka and BuChim were quietly joined together as husband and wife at the registry in the presence of immediate family.  There was a beautiful reception for a hundred guests afterwards. 

Sex is a delicious meal; uncooked and without sugar yet tastes so good.  Eloka brought out the whole meaning of the phrase above when he took BuChim to cloud nine, ten and eleven in one night. BuChim experienced so much ecstasy that she was so she would die from sexual pleasure on her wedding night. 

After she tasted the Eden fruit,  BuChim wanted the same fruit everyday,  she was like a dog on heat and by the following month the couple were expecting their first child. 

The real story begins.. (I promise to conclude tomorrow 😀)


  1. Bia senior Amy, worrisit?

  2. This story and the continuation.. Love eh

  3. Hian, Amaka, you come and be pulling your story like an elastic band, no overstretch.biko. that's a Nollywood trait, Lol.
    The thorn on a rose pt 1, thorn on a rose pt 2,3,4, etc .

    To God be the glory.(do they still include that?)

    I hope it wont end with BuChim becoming a sex addict and be looking outside.....

    Anyways, carry go..

  4. So can’t wait for the real story 😊😊.

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