The thorn on a Rose 6

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While BuChim and her father had lunch later that day, the security man informed Jane that some people who said that they were from Eloka had asked to see their boss. 

BuChim and her father went outside to meet the mystery guests.  A woman with two young children, an elderly man and an elderly woman were the guests. 

Without mincing words,  the older woman introduced herself as Eloka's mother,  the man was his father, the younger woman and children were Eloka's wife and his children. 

BuChim passed out.  When she came to, she was in the hospital.  Her father was by her side and he held her hands as she cried her heart out. 

Eloka was legally married to another woman; they had children, there were pictures of their wedding day.  Little wonder he never bothered about her condition.

Who then was the woman who she had called mummy?  Eloka's mistress and partner in fraud. 

When Eloka's real family saw his second wedding pictures, they did not recognise a single family member. Eloka rented a crowd to act like his family. 

He never came back home and when BuChim checked her phone she saw two text messages, one was from Eloka which read,  "I hope you can forgive me". The second was a bank alert,  he had withdrawn the rest of the money in their joint account.

Every effort to recover all the money he extorted from BuChim proved abortive. 

It's been five years since the end of the very fake marriage. It was a very slow healing process for BuChim. She felt her heart bleed. She held a rose and was so close to her happily ever after but she realised that sometimes the thorn on a Rose makes it difficult to hold on to it for too long. 

On a good note, BuChim recently opened her heart to love again and this time,  she got it right.  Her new husband is a widower and has two teenage children who adore their new mother.  Life this time is very different from what it used to be.


  1. When one door closes another opens. A mild, sad but beautiful story.

  2. This is a sad story........ We can see how wicked people are just because of his selfish motives...... God will judge shall... 👍 😎

  3. I said it..but he's a looser. Good luck Buchim on the new found love & home. God will see yu through

  4. How 'bout the fucking Aaah??... I hope it was still that good this time!... I believe in a "second chance" Aaah??... "Always the hard way!!!!"... What do'ou say aah???

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