The thorns on a Rose 4

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She was four months into her pregnancy when BuChim felt something between her thighs. She was in her office and she had no idea what was going on but the sharp pain she felt made her scream for help. 

Before she got to the hospital, the foetus was already out of her body.  BuChim spent one month in the hospital battling for her life; she had lost a lot of blood from the nasty miscarriage. 

The first situation BuChim met when she got back from the hospital was finding that Eloka's mother had been in their home for some days. Her husband made no mention of it and what upset her more was that she never visited her in the hospital. 

After their wedding, Eloka and BuChim decided that Buchim's house was a better place to live in and raise a family; it was bigger and in a better neighbourhood. 

"Mummy, I didn't even know you were around!" the statement that followed hers shocked BuChim, "If you had asked of me you would have known that I was around"

Perplexed by what had just transpired with her mother in law, BuChim walked speechlessly into her bedroom.

Moments after she settled in, her maid knocked and asked if she could come in. Jane(not real name)  her maid knelt down by her bedside and told her that two other people who claimed to be Eloka's siblings had also been in the house for two weeks and were so badly behaved.

Like she didn't have enough challenges, BuChim was told by her doctor at her checkup to weigh other options of having children because her womb may never be strong enough to carry a baby full term. Who did she wrong? 

She fell into deep depression and wondered why her once peaceful life had suddenly become stormy. Marriage was meant to be beautiful; her parents had a good one so why was hers different? 

At this time Eloka had been away on a journey for almost two months.  He had a legal matter out of base and so had to relocate briefly. 

BuChim went through her most difficult moments alone.  Her father became her best friend again but she could never get herself to confide in him that Eloka was not the right choice. 

He had never given her any money or bought anything for the house, yet he withdrew daily from their joint account to which she contributed more. 

He did not dignify her with an explanation when she asked about the strangers that had been in their home. He told her that his mother had the right to visit whenever she wanted to without notice. 

Eloka did not show any sign of sadness or regret when they lost their baby. He carried on like it was normal. 

He only told her about his trip after he had arrived at his destination. He also did not say how long he would be there till she asked him. 

She kept all of her heartbreaking encounters with her husband in her heart and bore her pains alone.  They were her burdens and she had to carry them all by herself. 


  1. I wonder what's going on. Love was sweet and now disrespectful.

  2. This story is twisting now. Well am just reading up till I get to the end

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