Stella's Happy Story 3

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There was more to the lack of funds from Nwokezue; his business suffered a bad set back and he kept it away from his wife, little wonder the construction work was on hold and the popular two storey building was nowhere near completion.

Stella’s battles were far from over, she was in her restaurant discussing with a customer who also supplied meat to her when some youths suddenly started screaming. 

She had no idea that it was about her till she was summoned by the elders to explain what she was doing with an able bodied young man in her restaurant in an unsuitable position.

Three youths came forward to say that they saw her making out with the young man, her cries that she was innocent of the allegation fell on deaf ears. Nwokezue divorced her traditionally but she stayed back in Lokpanta and continued her business which suffered a great deal following the scandal; she could never fully revive it. 

She stayed on and hoped that her husband would someday have a change of heart and take her back but when Nwokezue picked a very young wife, the humiliation was more than she could bear, Stella had to finally bid farewell to Lokpanta.

Nwokezue’s business never recovered and till date the two storey building is still in carcass stage. He struggles till date and his new wife did not bargain for the type of life that she currently lives. They both live in the city and have not been back home in Lokpanta for a while.

Stella went back to the city and runs a very successful restaurant business. Life turned against Nwikezue as soon as he turned against his wife and so contrary to the funny belief by some people that a man’s misfortune is caused by an unfaithful wife, a man brings calamity upon himself by the way he chooses to live.

When Stella was with her husband, life was good for them and Nwokezue’s business was on a high but the tables turned as soon as he began to treat his wife poorly.  


  1. I still search for the reason people always forget that each and everyone of us will answer for themselves on the last day and nobody will answer for them even your father, mum, wife husband, brother or sister. What are my trying to say, that till we begin to take life as my life. This is the way I want it, this is my decision, I have hard what you said thank you I will look into it. Trusting your insitics and not be pushed around by peoples opinion.
    Good and fine we listen to what people have to say bearing in mind that the race is your race and if you take a wrong decision based on what you hard the repercussion will be carried by you and not who advised you.most time people play victims in a sutiuation they created by themselves. Not everyone thinks or wishies you good in life.some see life as competition as such applies everything possible to bring you down.
    Let us learn that ideas are always welcomed but the decision is for you cos no one will carry your cross for you.

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