A Rough Carrot

Illustrative photo credit: lifeofofo.com

Good morning LBRs,  trust your weekend was as happy as mine or even better? I spent mine with hubby and we were home alone. It was sweet like sugar and honey mixed together. Lol. 

I got the story  below from a friend on whatsapp, I do not know the person involved but I guess it's safe to share since its already viral and no name was given as the authour.  The story is both sad and funny and confusing. So here it is slightly edited for your reading pleasure.

I am a Banker in my early 30s and going through a messy divorce. I married my husband as a virgin. I had never been with any man but him until I was raped. 

I didn't know anything about orgasm, climax or what have you because I had never experienced it. Eight years of marriage with a miserable sex life. 

I have two children from my marriage. It happened that we traveled to my husband's village during last Easter period. While in his country home by 1am one night our house was raided by a seven member gang of armed robbers.

It was a very terrifying experience, after collecting all the valuables at home, the leader turned to rape me.  He tied my husband to a chair, tore my clothes and went on to show me his manhood saying that he would use it on me. I was frightened. I begged him and cried but he wouldn't listen. It was a rape that cost me my marriage. 

As the guy penetrated me, I was supposed to feel pains but that wasn't so. I felt a kind of electrifying sensation that I had never felt in my whole life. I screamed "oh my God",  as he started "pounding" me I didn't know when I held him hard and begged him not to stop to the amazement of others.

I was enjoying being raped by a criminal. I was told that I screamed very hard when I wanted to come. Yes I had my first orgasm through rape and since then my life hasn't been the same. The robber took me two rounds and I came both times. I don't know what happened, like it was evil manipulation by my village people, but all I can say is that I had never had such with my husband. 

My husband gave me the beating of my life after the robbers left. He called me unprintable names, said I was a prostitute, he didn't know I was an ashawo. He said he won't stay married to a prostitute. 

I was hospitalized for two weeks as a result of that incident and his beatings. My husband left me at the hospital and travelled back to our home. I was damaged. 

How could such a thing happened to me What was responsible for me enjoying being raped and even coming as a result of it? How could I even enjoy such act of cruelty on my body? 

Those were the questions I kept asking myself. When I got discharged I met divorce papers waiting for me to sign. I tried begging my husband, involved my parents but he swore that he would rather die than stay with me. That I am a disgrace to his life and status (my husband is a rich man). 

When our divorce news broke out, I tried to deny the events that led to it but he kept telling everyone that I was a whore. It took me months to accept my predicament and move on. 

I am still healing, still seeing my therapist. But one thing I know is that I am not what my husband says I am. I am just a woman who was sexually starved. I did not pray to be raped, but it was the turning point of my life . 

I just feel like sharing this because it will help me heal. Please don't judge me, because you don't know my pains. I just want you all to wish me well with my new life and I pray to find love in the nearest future.

(The writer said her divorce should be through in January and so we assume that her marriage is over by now. Shame!) 

The questions below were raised in the story by writer. 

1.  What could she have done differently?

2. Was it a crime for her to enjoy rape sex like that?

3. Was the husband being fair to her? 

4. Was divorce the only way out?

Me: Other thoughts should have prevented the pleasure she felt. Thoughts like, does the man have a disease, being stripped naked and raped by a criminal in the presence of her husband and strangers.

If however the pleasure was too much she could have cried instead, it would be difficult to tell if the cry is out of pain and anger or pure pleasure. 

It should be difficult to forgive such betrayal but if the guy had deprived her of conjugal bliss in that area then he should find it in his heart to forgive and look for ways to live up to expectations now that his wife has had a taste of a rough carrot. 


  1. Wow...the wife enjoyed it in the presence of her husband, so he won't be able to forget. Its bad. I think the decision to divorce is good because that man won't be able to touch her again.

    Its pointless staying too because she won't be able to manage the mans smooth carrot after tasting the rough one. That's my opinion.

  2. Serious wahala. I don't even know what to say. Hmmm the devil is really having a blast on this matter

  3. Wawu! Well I wouldn't blame either party, the woman or d man. But the man shouldn't have beaten her in my opinion. What's happened has happened. Two wrongs don't make a right, 1st she was sexually abused by a criminal then her own husband now physically abuses her. Imagine that would do to her psyche. All is well.

  4. Let our men learn from this and equip themselves very well so that when a situation like this happens (God forbid) the woman will be struggling to kick the man off or chop off the nonsense. If you are fully satisfied at home which should be the given, she will not have gone this wild with excitement! She certainly wasn't in control and couldn't have been in control over something she has never tasted! I pray she finds love that will satisfy her in this one sector that everybody needs maximum satisfaction. And anyway, even if she didn't taste orgasm the psychological trauma of watching his wife being banged like that will kill something in the man and he may never ever hold the woman intimately again. Either way, the woman is at the receiving end. At least she has discovered what making love with her man should do for her! No guy should joke with this performance oh!

  5. One should mark her words "eight years of miserable marriage" which means sex have not been a thing of joy for her. That rape incident was an eye opener to the lady as such there is no way she will be comfortable with the hubby's usual performance again. Moreover the hubby on his own has known his weakness so it's better for them to go their separate ways. Time will heal their wounds

  6. Ooook!... If it feels like it,.... smells like it!... and looks like it!... We must call it what it is!....FAKED RAPE!!!... That's what I call this!!!,... MARK HER EXACT WORDS>>>".... YEARS OF MISERABLE MARRIAGE"

  7. Chai, I pity this woman who was triple abused in this story. Raped by a criminal, beaten mercilessly by her husband, divorced by the husband and shamed publicly by her husband by calling her a whore. I don't know any kind of therapy that will heal this woman. Good luck though !!!

  8. Sometimes, the body reacts to things independent of our intentions. It is not common for someone being raped to experience orgasm but it has been known to happen (google statistics). We do not always control the body's reaction to things happening to/around us. When you are nervous for example, whether or not it is your intention to be, your body responds to that nervousness. Her husband is a domestic abuser and doesn't deserve any woman.

    Original Housegirl

  9. Another analogy I really like is tickling. We do not ( I do not) generally enjoy being tickled. But when we are being tickled, we laugh uncontrollably. The body is a strange thing. And it isn't always mind over body...

    Original Housegirl

  10. Lol... I wonder how she Will enjoy sex under durex or pressure.. Anyway, she is on her own


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