Big Fat Greek Lie


I am a parent but really I do have a problem with parenting styles of we parents these days, many parents today mollycoddle their children so much that they turn them into loafers.

We do practically everything for our children to the extent that we think for them. We do not let them grow naturally anymore, they get away with murder and even manipulate us into doing things their own way.

Our society today is filled with youth who have been failed by their parents; this is gradually turning into an epidemic and it is a problem for both the rich and the poor.

Drug addicts are sons and daughters of people, roadside sex sellers are some people’s daughters same as thieves, pickpockets and touts. Did I forget to mention corrupt politicians.

Sometimes as parents we want to give our children everything but we fail to see the dangers in doing so, the children grow up believing that everything in life should come on a platter of gold. 

When some parents see some changes in their children, they blame everyone but their children; they start to suspect their children’s friends and most times the house helps.

Some parents have servants at the beck and call of their children and I wasn’t surprised when someone shared his experience at a school’s sports event of a mother who had a nanny standing and fanning each child while the games went on. 

I mean who does that? That is modern day slavery to me and should be considered a crime. If she could put up such an act in public, I wonder what she would be up to in her home. 

The desire to make a lot of money have also made some parents neglect the home front, both parents are at work and leave the children at the mercy of the nannies and woe betide such families if they have evil servants.

Recently at a birthday party, an eleven year old girl was caught in the restroom masturbating and yes you heard me right an eleven year old girl whose breasts have not even popped out. Apparently, while her mates were playing and dancing, the adventurous little girl borrowed a phone from one of the male servers and visited a porn site.

It took the intuition of a woman to know that the child inside the restroom was up to something; she pushed the door open when the child kept asking for more time. She took her unawares and so the girl’s hand was still in her vjayjay and her tight jeans didn’t help matters in any way.

The woman quickly grabbed the phone from her and saw that she was watching porn!! She said it was her first time and I say that it is a Big Fat Greek Lie!
Parents please be vigilant! This topic will continue...   


  1. We have lost our ways..Technology is going to make or break this new generation.

  2. Jaw dropping facial expression!!! We have a lot on our hands to deal with as parents!

  3. This world is very deep,parents please shine your eyes.

  4. Nawaooh!Nsogbu dikwa na Katanga ooh!!...May God help us and this generation!

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