
Photo credit: times of India

Gary was the local drunk, a very good looking man who should live better than he did yet a typical example of an irresponsible man.

He was drunk everyday from morning till evening and was hardly ever seen sober.

Sometimes he staggered into the gutter and no one would bring him out of the place. He would wake up the next day on the same spot and have no recollection of how he got there in the first place.

Story has it that Gary was not always that way. He had a good job, cars and even lived in his own house. He sold everything off after he became an alcoholic.

When he was in a paid employment, Gary was unfortunately admired by an older colleague who did everything in her power to get into his bed. 

He was a very decent guy and quite dedicated to his job which made him rise very quickly in his workplace.

Ncheta on the other hand, could never hide the fact that she wanted Gary. 

Gary did his best to fight this temptation and even requested for a transfer. This move made things easier for Ncheta and tilled the ground for the forbidden act.

Her organisation sent her on a training at the same location which afforded her another opportunity to see Gary.

At the end of the three days training, Ncheta pleaded with Gary to show her interesting places in town. She was very respectful all through the training period and Gary thought it would be wrong to say no to her.

He took her to all the nice places in that town and then back to her hotel. He helped carry the things she bought to her room.

As he made to leave, Ncheta held on to him and kissed him passionately. For an over fifty year old woman, Ncheta looked great. She was quite slender and  indeed a very beautiful woman. As she kissed him, she moaned and begged him to kiss her back.

At that point Gary realised that Ncheta's dress was held together by just a few buttons in front. Just one pull by her, the dress was on the floor like a piece of rag.

She was stark naked. She had absolutely nothing on. Gary had tried, he had fled from this evil for as long as he could but what he was faced with was more than he could handle. He let her have all of him and he confessed that it was a really nice one.

It was another colleague who saw him leave Ncheta's room and reported same to Ncheta's husband.

Gary was in his office two weeks after his unplanned adventure with Ncheta, (he had refused to pick her calls after the act and very much regretted the events of that day) when Oko  Ncheta's husband walked into his office.

After he confirmed that the person before him was Gary, he introduced himself as Ncheta's husband. 

Before he blew on him the white powdery substance he pulled from his pocket, Oko   told Gary that he would be better off dead than alive. 

That began Gary's journey to hardship. He just  started to drink. He lost his job a few months after Oko's visit.

In a nutshell, Gary was an upwardly moving young man who lost his mojo after he ate a forbidden fruit. He became a victim of a scorned husband. 

He was diabolically rendered useless. He now drinks round the clock and most times does not make sense when he speaks.

Me: I know that there's evil but in this case, I'd advise Gary to check into a rehab and get rid of this extremely bad habit. 


  1. Me I don't think there is anything rehab will do for him. He has to get rid of the curse following him. My question is , where are his relatives and is the man (the husband ) Ncheta still alife. If those two things are there he will be ok again.
    Do I blame him yes and no.

  2. Yes O! Nothing rehab can do in this situation, not when some white substance and incantations has been made telling you he's under an irrevocable curse which can only be undone by the offended or GOD himself through some spiritual exercise. Lets not point fingers at anyone but to be careful how we leave our lives and keep asking God for grace to help us avoid temptations like this.

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