I was Brave

Photo credit: webjazba.com

Belekwukwu will always be my best memory of Lokpanta; the bird is so peaceful and makes you love to be alive. I still do not know how it finds your window sill, perches on it and renders its belekwukwu harmony to wake you up from sleep in the most beautiful manner; and it comes way before the cock crows. With belekwukwu one does not need coffee or tea in the morning to stay awake; it’s simply magical the way it makes you feel. You literally wake up with a smile!

This morning was a different kind of morning, I woke up quite alright but not to the sound of my early morning friend Belekwukwu. It was father at my door, “Nwamaka, get up! You need to be awake at this time, there’s something going on”. I sat up on my bed still unsure of what was happening, I drew the lantern closer to check the time; it was just 3am and suddenly I heard the first gun shot. Oh my goodness! It was so close I thought I was gone already. 

I jumped out of bed immediately and rushed to see where father was, the door to his balcony was open and so I knew he was there. Out there on his desk was an enviable display of guns, he had one in his hands and was loading it when he looked up and saw me. “Nwamaka get back inside! some people are up to some mischief but I will protect my home and my territory”. I knew where he was coming from; we had been robbed once in the old house in Lokpanta and father had vowed never to let it happen again. The thieves were known to Lokpanta people and they were apprehended that same week, my village is that tight, everybody knows everybody, we know the bad people and the good ones; the philandering men, the wayward women, the church goers, the truthful ones, the Holy ones, the liars, the responsible ones and those you should never have a business deal with.

After that incident, father sounded a note of warning that whoever attempted such again would have him to deal with. I found out on this day that father meant what he said several years back, he would rather die defending his home and family than stand and watch evil men have their way. 

He asked me to get back inside but I refused, I told him I would rather stay and fight with him, I was brave if I must say so; I was ready to handle one of his guns but he wouldn’t hear any of that and he ordered the housekeeper who was shaking by my side to take me inside.

Agii and I sat on the bed facing each other in the poorly lit room; the lantern was left dimmed for safety reasons. I still do not know how I survived that night; it was the longest and scariest night ever. The gunshots never stopped coming and father kept firing in reprisal to tell whoever that he was ready for battle.

Still basking in my spell of bravery, I went out of the room at intervals to check on father, once I saw him in action as he released a bullet into the air which was immediately followed by another gun shot from the other side. I thought about my short life and my dream of becoming a lawyer, I remembered a prominent man that was killed by hired assassins in his country home and then I thought of mother and how she might lose a husband and a child at once. I didn’t think of my siblings that much, they were troublesome anyway Lol!

When I eventually heard the sweet melody of belekwukwu, I knew that everything would be fine and that it was dawn. But all of a sudden, I felt that I was abandoned by my friend in my darkest moment, where was belekwukwu in the very early hours of that morning when I said all the prayers I knew asking God to keep us safe from harm? Where was belekwukwu when my soul needed to be calmed? Belekwukwu was tucked in safely in a place where evil men would not reach it; at that point I wish I was a bird.

I became envious of belekwukwu and the freedom it enjoyed, it had less worries, and all it needed to do was just sing and make people happy. That should be easy or not? I am sure some people would still find belekwukwu annoying and blame the poor bird for disturbing their early morning sleep. Human beings are hard to please.

Before father and I left that morning, some local security personnel came to tell him that the gunshots in the night were by policemen who were engaged to protect some travellers whose vehicle had broken down right on the expressway that faced Lokpanta. It was to deter high way robbers from coming towards their direction. Those were the days when that particular spot was notorious for being a den of thieves.

Father dropped me off at the nearest bus stop to my school and went on to court; he had a matter that morning. When I got to school, I ditched my lectures and went straight to bed for a much needed sleep. Would you call me a coward if I told you that I stayed away from Lokpanta for as long as I could? The traumatic experience lingers till date. Talk about fighting some demons.


  1. Hahahahahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Belekwukwu indeed😁😁
    All the loss of sleep and bullets for police warning shots😅

    Nkwucha abùrò ùjò nne.

  2. Haaahahaaa! Nice one and scary too

  3. A man must always protect his house & family..Ur Dad is a strong man. I miss that Belekwukwu harmony in d morning man. All I hear nowadays is police sirens waking me up ��. Another lovely piece Amaka! Many thanks ��

  4. Wow! In my case my dad ran into the bush but came back(to Kano) to give us commando gist,how he chased them away with his pump action, my grandma told us the real story... Lolzz,nice one sis

  5. Wow! In my case my dad ran into the bush but came back(to Kano) to give us commando gist,how he chased them away with his pump action, my grandma told us the real story... Lolzz,nice one sis

  6. You got me sacred Amaka. Nice one.

  7. You got me sacred Amaka. Nice one.

  8. Scary! Action and brave dad Amaka.
    Interesting! I love the bird Belekwukwu too.

  9. Tough girl! Nowadays, any Belekwukwu seen on some people's windows and 'casting and binding' will take over belekwukwu's melody!

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