No Hard and Fast Rules

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There are no hard and fast rules to life but one must always pay attention to certain occurrences which may be the guiding principles towards leading a drama free life.

Adaulo was a very beautiful young girl, her beauty was legendary; the type that was the envy of every young lady who was her age. She stood quite tall at six feet two inches and you really could not fault her look in any way.

If there was anything like it, you would say that God was partial in the creation of Adaulo, her fair skin was as smooth as silk and when she spoke it was like music to the ears. To crown it all, she had a character to go with her beauty and no one, both male and female could resist her charms.

It was only natural that from an early age, she had so many suitors that it began to look unreal. Every eligible young man who came across her wanted her as a wife and even some mothers, fathers, uncles and aunties approached Adaulo’s parents asking for her hand in marriage on behalf of their loved ones.

Adaulo was not carried away by her own beauty and was very respectful; courteous and always full of smiles for anyone who asked for a chance to be with her.  The naysayers gossiped that it was pride that made the beautiful young lady refuse all the proposals that came to her, what they failed to see was that she was a sixteen year old girl who had a lot dreams and aspirations for herself. 

She had it all figured out, she would get a good education and secure a full time job afterwards. She had no intentions of being just a house wife. This was her reason when she turned Eloka’s marriage offer down. 

Out of all the men who swarmed her parents house like bees, Eloka caught her fancy. Deep within her, she liked him and always looked forward to his visits but she wanted more out of life than just settle down with a man and begin to make babies.

She had her whole life ahead of her, she wanted to gain her own experiences, to fall in love and be loved in return. Her life had just started and she was a little disappointed that her parents wanted her out of the house that soon. 

When she spoke to her mother about her worries, she was told that it was best for girls like her to marry early. 

Adaulo's mother told her that she became a woman too early. At age ten, she already had the original hour glass figure and with each passing day, her hips and bosom bloomed.

Nigerian parents often feared that such daughters who were all round beautiful were usually the targets of many men which made it difficult for the parents to keep tabs on their vulnerable young ones. 

For fear of unwanted pregnancies, they saw marriage as a way out of trouble for their daughters.

Finally Eloka won the battle by warming his way into the heart of Adaulo’s father; he became his buddy and it was a matter of time before he took Adaulo home as his wife. He did not mind the long wait after the young beauty insisted on completing her education before any marriage rites were performed.

Informally, Adaulo became betrothed to Eloka who had become like a son to her parents. He was in her life and had a say in some decisions that were taken in her home especially those that had to do with her.

Eloka was a promising young man and doing quite well in business. He was very focused and mature for his age which was why Adaulo’s father found him very special. 

In this case, presence made the heart grow fonder; Eloka was in the home of Chief and Mrs. Okwuluouno Adaulo's parents every other day and he became like a son to them.

He sometimes went with Chief to his club meetings and for a few bottles of beer afterwards, it did not matter what Adaulo thought, her father found in Eloka a reliable son in law.

Adaulo’s father’s love for the unwavering young man rubbed off on his daughter and she found herself falling hard for Eloka. She gained admission into the university and her first adventure was to pay Eloka a visit to at least know what his home looked like but she was in for a big shock…. (it’s not exactly what you are thinking, the story continues….) 


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