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I really like to go to church. It is one place where I get to be myself and I do not care who is watching. I am before the One who owns my life; He knows me in and out and I do not have to pretend about who I am.

My best part of Mass is definitely thanksgiving time when I can sing and dance. The homily is meant to be the best part because you hear the interpretation of God’s words but I really cannot say that I look forward to that part of Mass all of the time. Sometimes I do when I have gone through that particular scripture and need to hear the priest’s translation and teaching on it or when it is a priest whose homily I had enjoyed in the past.

Occasionally I get distracted at Mass by the number of people who sleep during the homily and what surprises me is the fact that most of them are well respected people in the church. The first time I noticed this particular person sleeping inside the church, I was shocked to my bone marrows and for the rest of Mass I felt so righteous for staying wide awake. After that day I discovered that most of the people who sat calmly all through homily were always almost sleeping; and I always beat myself up for being so restless.

There is a technique to sleeping inside the church that only the very skilful can pull off, you have to learn to position one leg which will hold your hand in a certain way that it does not look like you are sleeping, bend the head forward a bit and master the act of keeping the head at that level. This must take a lot of practice because I still do not know how they do not fall over and and also respond “Amen” as soon as the priest says, “May the Lord bless His words in our hearts through Christ our Lord”

The day one of my sons tried to sleep that way to fool me into believing that he wasn’t sleeping in the church; the fall was such a bad one, his head went crashing on the kneeler. Afterwards, I told him that it would be better for me if he would just lie down on the floor and sleep, anything would be better than ending up in the

Today at Mass, I was unusually so sleepy and it was a long battle with the spirit of unwanted siesta. When I looked, three out of the four people who sat on the same pew as I did were all dozing and I was determined all the more not to succumb to the tempting wind of snooze that was in the air. I am sure that the need to prevent people from sleeping is the main reason why most pastors shout when they preach, they simply shout you out of slumber and you have no other choice than stay awake and listen! 

Today as I sat in Mass in this church which I attended for the first time, I waited eagerly for my favourite part of Mass to come so I would shake off the tiredness.  The choir that had sung so well throughout Mass disappointed me and I could not get my groove on; the songs just did not flow.

I was out of the house before 9am and got home at about 7pm, it is not something I am proud of but it is where I have found myself considering the position that I occupy in the church. I try to keep the home front in order when such church duties call but that does not take away the fact that my absence is felt in those hours when I am not home. 

I tactically prepare the coast to pave my way for such engagements by seeking permission severally on different occasions and putting up my best behaviour because if he ever says “NO”, hmm, that will be it. I am an obedient Nigerian girl; I will only sulk but must obey because some quarrels are definitely not worth it.

So as advised by a friend, from the door, I started to apologise for being away too long and then you can imagine the relief when hubby looks at me and says “How was the occasion?” then goes on to discuss tennis with me and the latest news. We get into a conversation immediately and I know that I do not need to worry. I give him the funny details of the day and we both laugh heartily. 

For this particular act of understanding which is one of many of my dear husband’s good attributes, I’d rather celebrate him than celebrate myself today being Mother’s day for Anglicans.

Ladies if you are married to a good man who gives you peace of mind and does his best to support his family, then today should not just be about you but also about the man who God used to make you a mother and who has allowed you to be your very best self. 

On this day I appreciate the one who has made Mother’s Day a happy one for me. Thank you Victor Nwosisi!


  1. Lol. Thank you Chukwuma. I also celebrate this lovely husband of mine.

  2. I celebrate you Jonny my darling husband

  3. I can so relate to this post Amaka. There are days you spend such long hours away and you come home expecting the worse...but a good husband just shows amazing understanding. I thank God for my Sweet.

  4. Yes ooh husbands shld b celebrated understanding ones that only sooth ur heart for all thr husbands out thre thatballow thrir wives have a life apaet from the family life i celebrate u all cos ur extraordinary and hard to find.....for those that allow their wives build and support their career through thick and thin inspite of the trails and temptations that cme woth the job i celebrate u too

  5. Behind most happily married and successful woman is a man who gives her peace of mind, constantly supports her, and encourages her to attain success. Cheers to the good men

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