Your Morning

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What is your purpose in life? What have you been called to do?

This is one question many Nigerians hardly ask ourselves before we begin a career. We are programmed to get an education and a job afterwards just for one reason; make money to support ourselves and the families.

Luwa (not real name) was a top shot in the oil and gas sector and life was good; resided in a choice neighbourhood, drove the best cars and lived really well.

As expected, the ladies were at Luwa’s beck and call, he had them in all forms and sizes. He did not have to work too hard, he had what the ladies wanted and they literally pursued him.

He even had days when he gave out ladies to his friends and then settled them on behalf of his friends (ladies why?) He doled out money to those who asked for financial assistance and he was by every standard a really generous man.

Luwa was loved by all because of his benevolence and although he was a chronic womaniser, he more than made up for his philandering ways by his kindness and good nature. He was always willing to help anyone in need and donated big-heartedly to charity organisations periodically.

Charity covers a multitude of sins indeed, it is difficult to fault such a good man and I would rather blame the women who will not let him be. Going off on a tangent, why do women even flock around successful men? (This is a topic I will discuss soon) the answer is obvious; they want what the men have. But must it be that way?

Anyway, Luwa was successful in every sense of it but deep down he felt empty and nothing he did filled the gap within. Not his beautiful wife and children and definitely not his philandering which he perfectly concealed from his family.

His job also did not come close to giving him the inner joy that he lacked; he knew he had to do something very fast about the way he felt because he was losing his mind.

This made him ask questions about his life. Luwa was told that after going through some life's challenges  Luwa'so mother presented him to God with a promise that he (Luwa)would serve God with his life as a way of thanking God for intervening in her situation. There was no difference between him and Isaac in the bible.

This was a reality that Luwa would not accept; how would he leave all that he had worked so hard for to live a life of service to God and Humanity. The humanity part was not difficult to accept but preaching in a church was a far cry from what he ever envisaged his life to be.

He moved on with his life and threw whatever discussions he had with his family to the winds. Then Fate or maybe God Himself let him have it all; the worst of life itself. Luwa lost everything he ever worked for and life became unbearably difficult. He got to the point where all he could do was turn to the One who created Him.

His mother’s words, “You were presented to God to serve Him with your whole life” kept ringing a bell in his ears and he needed no prophet to warn him of more hardship if he failed to take heed.

The broken man who was middle aged at this time sought refuge in the church, he enrolled in a bible school and gradually trained to become a minister of God. It was a long road but he walked it faithfully and little by little he began to pick the broken pieces of his life.

He found joy in serving God and working for His kingdom, he began to see a new purpose in life and all of a sudden, so many things did not matter to him anymore. 

One car was enough and when he thought of the times he travelled out of the country, a good number of them were for frivolity. He always had a lady “in waiting” and travelled on the flimsiest excuses. These days he only travels to minister the word of God.

He works less than he worked in the past yet his new business has grown tremendously within the past few years. The growth of the business is undeniably attributable to God’s uncommon favour.

Luwa says he has found a purpose in life and regrets all the years he wasted doing the wrong things.

Now, this story is to encourage someone who feels that there is still a gap to fill or has to start all over again. An Igbo adage when translated means whenever a person wakes up from sleep is that person's morning. Your morning may be now or even later but one thing is certain; it is never too late to steer a right course in life. 

Your own purpose may not be in the Lord’s vineyard; wherever it is, find it, just go on and unleash that genius idea, live it out and you will be the happier for it.


  1. You are right
    I always ask God to show me the path He has prepared for me. Nice piece Amy

  2. Thank you for this bitter truth

  3. Nice story, goes to show me that there's no true happiness and fulfillment except in God....
    as the word of God says that there's no rest until I rest in thee

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