Arranged Meeting 2

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Gina asked Ugo to give her some time to think about his proposal and also inform her parents. Her father advised her to turn down Ugo's request politely; she was betrothed more or less.

Ugo's age was also a problem. She was twenty three while Ugo was thirty eight. He had a really fine face and the hours he put in at the gym every week made him look like a runway model. He did not look anything like thirty eight and although Gina's mum agreed that Ugo looked good for his age she wouldn't hear any of what Gina had to say.

Gina avoided Ugo for a  whole month. Her parents always had to give their consent before anyone visited their home and so for as long as Gina avoided him, Ugo was unable to see her. 

"Spoken words may be all you need to break through the walls of a loved one, silence is not always golden" ~my quote.

When Gina eventually took Ugo's call, she broke the sad news to him. She avoided him because she was going through a difficult period at home. She tried to convince her parents without luck. It took Ugo's proposal to make Gina realise that she wasn't just fond of him, she felt something stronger. Why didn't he say anything to her all these years?

Gina did not try too hard to convince her parents, she would never go against their desire for her. She told them just once that she could be happier with Ugo but as soon as they objected, she let it go. Her parents knew that their daughter was sad but were able to convince her that they wanted only the best for her.

Ugo took the news quite well and they carried on as usual. They talked more and even saw each other more. Gina kept Ugo informed on all that was going on in her life. When her wedding dates were fixed, she called him and they spoke for two hours. She didn't know where that came from but before she hung up she heard herself say to Ugo "I love you"

Afterwards, she cried at the realisation that she might be losing her true love.

Lami finally arrived for his wedding to Gina exactly three weeks before the date. 

They hung out as much as possible but the more they did the more Gina missed Ugo. Lami laughed so hard when she told him that she had never been intimate with any man. He found it very hard to believe, not with that carefully moulded piece of work behind her.

They were in his parents' house, the atmosphere was right and Lami had looked forward to that exact moment. Gina told him that her garden was wild and uncultivated. He had a good laugh but it aroused the beast in him and he wanted have her immediately. 

It was a big struggle before he let Gina go and that was their first fight. She gave him back the engagement ring that he gave to her the day he arrived. 

A week before the wedding, Lami was full of apologies for being so badly behaved. She accepted his apology (not like she had a choice). Her low key traditional wedding was the next day and she would have to go through with it somehow.

Finally, it was just one day to her  big wedding but unlike other brides to be, Gina was not excited; she needed to accomplish one mission before she was tied to Lami forever.

She was in a cab at 9pm in front of Ugo's home when she called to be sure that he was around. It was her first time there, as soon as he let her in she fell into his arms.  

Ugo caught her and held on tightly to her in the most romantic way; it was all new to her but she wanted that moment to last for ever, they both sobbed quietly.

~~concluding part coming up~~


  1. This is really not fair. When will the Suspense end? .. Ugo's description is spot on!!! This is really thrilling. Am reading it twice.

  2. O seti go.... Biko the concluding part.

  3. Amaka biko send the concluding part asap. Very interesting!

  4. Interesting,can't wait for the conclusion.

  5. We only get to read stories like this ....... I will complete my comment after the concluding part.

  6. We only get to read stories like this ....... I will complete my comment after the concluding part.

  7. Amaka, we need to put together a book of short stories. This is so thrilling! The suspense is brutal. This your short story suspense is more vibrating than the suspense in a whole Mills & Boon's book. Loving this!

  8. I just stumbled on this piece!! I have been missing! Biko where is the "part 1"?

  9. Kedu nnoo odika suspense bukwa nkea... Biko I need the concluding part asap

  10. I'm looking forward to know what happened next. Please release the complete story am dieing in suspense.

  11. Silly girl. Why marry someone you don't love when the man you love is available?

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