It's not a Taboo

Photo credit: Mudita Mom

When parents say that they love all their children equally I laugh because I know that they are trying so hard to believe their own lies.

I grew up in a large family where mother acted like she loved all her children equally.

As hard as she tried to treat every child the same way, I recall that my older siblings talked about how she sometimes treated one child better than the other.

Father did not hide his feeling, it looked like he loved one a lot more than the rest but for an obvious reason; academic excellence which was important to him. He never 

Everyone learned to live with it, the process was clear, if you wanted that status you knew what to do. 

Being the first son after three girls earned Ifeanyi the sole right to be the most loved and favoured. I heard that he was so pampered that when mother unleashed on him he would imagine that the pampering times were in preparation for the behavioural resetting beatings.

A male child is very important to the Igbos; the first male child (okpara/opara/okpala) is almost like a demi-god and his position as the child with the most rights is not negotiable. Most parents fall victims of the first son syndrome and spoil the child rotten.

The Ada (first daughter) is equally very important in a typical Igbo home and I hear its the same in most Nigerian tribes. 

I remember when father called a meeting just to ask us to give Ebere her due respect as the first child and daughter. The Ada may not be the most loved but definitely the most revered.

My little brother was like the icing on the cake, three years younger than me, he came and took a share of love from everyone's portion. Not only was he the ninth child, he was a boy! After a ratio of six girls to two boys, having another boy was a prayer answered.

Like big brother would say he was used to clean out mother's belly and so just like the bottom pot is usually the best part of the food, Odera was the best of the lot. The most beautiful baby we'd ever seen and "baby" became his name till he asked by himself not to be called "baby"anymore.

I look at my five boys and I cannot boldly say that I love all of them the same way but definitely love each one in a unique way.

I thought Nnaemeka was the most loved as a baby till I had my fifth. A friend actually called me out to say that I worshipped my new baby.

A particular son notices my new hair style, plays pranks on me and wants to know how I feel. My love for him is on a different level. 

I have a son who just melts my heart when he smiles. He has such a great smile. Hubby actually said to me that this particular son (name withheld) makes him love him more than our other children.  I can't mention this child's name so his brothers won't do to him what Joseph's brothers did to him. Lol.

When I asked him why, he said exactly what I knew he'd say. This child is gentle, helpful, kind, easy going, very understanding and then that smile, oh!

I have another child who remains calm even if the roof is on fire. No matter how upset anyone gets, he goes about his business in the most gentle manner. The most he says is "Sorry" with a smile and then he moves on .

My five year old Kaoranu makes me fall in love a million times over. He says the most unexpected things and chooses his words carefully. He is genuinely funny and makes me laugh out loud all the time. He is terribly honest; sometimes when we are together he says "mummy I'm sorry" up to ten times with an explanation that he farted. He doesn't wait to be asked. Lol

When I sit and analyse my boys I find it hard to say that I love them equally. What sounds right to me is to say that I love each child in a special way. 

I love them differently and also treat them equally. I'm a bit partial when it comes to the youngest though. Whenever the older boys confront me with this truth, I tell them that I treated them exactly the same way but I know that I'm lying through my teeth.

Some say they love all their children equally but differently. The important thing is to love each child unconditionally.

In my opinion you can only treat your children equally, deep down you know there's a child that you have a softer spot for maybe for a particular reason. 

Most times it may be because that child is not as independent as or more independent than the others. The child may also be the one who sticks closest to you. Whatever be the case, it's not a taboo!


  1. Nice one! Parents love for their children if not well guided might lead to war amongst siblings.
    Growing up I was my dad's favourite, everyone knew, at a point my mum couldn't comprehend the bond and daily my dad wished I was a boy. He loved me but then he didn't rub it in on my siblings. He treated them with love as well and they never for once felt unloved.
    Just like you said, I love my children very much and I took time to study their personalities,their strength and weakness and that has helped me to love and treat them based on their uniqueness.

  2. Hey Friend, you are too much. You have just described me and my four boys. The one that has stolen my heart is that one that comes to me secretly to tell me that" it is well" every time he thinks I may be unhappy.... But for sure its not a taboo. You have written well.

  3. Good one Max! I have one child - my mini me & 'nwa kari umu iri' as I and my mother describe her & seriously we're being totally accurate here (okay & maybe a little biased...just a little)Anyway I digress. The point I'm making is that I have one child with no concrete plans for another (Max please don't preach) and I sometimes wonder how I would love her relative to another if I indeed had another child. I wonder that I won't obviously favour her as my first and then after wondering along those lines, I swing to another angle of thought and wonder if I actually went on to adopt or have a stepchild, I wouldn't end up being partial to that child not least because I don't want them to feel they're missing out/i'd want the stepchild to feel particularly loved within a blended family. Plus i absolutely detest women who don't treat stepchildren well and shudder at the horror stories. All in all,i content myself by thinking that whichever the case in terms of ever having one more child or children to love, I'll work to emulate my parents who typify human unconditional love at its finest! There have been a few reasons at one time or the other for them to 'ostracise' one child or another amongst us five kids but my parents? Never! If anything the more you acted up, the more love you got until the weight of it rather than rebuke or disapproval broke you completely and led you to change your ways. Such love!

  4. Mothers like me always show special love to most obedient child irrespective of sex. To me I don't like disobedient child who will always make you to suffer. So sometimes you will not even know when you unknowingly show more Love to obedient child .So is not a crime to love one more than others but don't make it to be too obvious.

  5. Mother's unequal love for their children can't be doubted,though they'll always find a way to balance it. Nice one madam.

  6. So worried for my self, I have a soft spot for the youngest of my kids, I can’t get a enough of him and it is so glaring. I can kiss him 1 million times in a day and hubby gets jealous.

  7. Mothers & their first sons in the Igbo communities. Hmmm, enough said !!!

  8. I love obedient child and I always show love most to more obedient child. Sometimes it makes my children to sit up and do the right thing. Even now the one that obeys most is always my favorite. If you change I changeto more obedient one. But at the same time it will not prevent me from doing
    my responsibity as a good mother.

  9. Lol! Amaks dear even though you didn't mention this kid's name you still didn't hide your emotions for this special Loved son of yours cos with all the description above of the child being gentle, helpful, kind, easy going, very understanding and then that smile, oh! Has told his smart brothers who you're talking about. All the same like you rightly said there's always that one kid who goes out of his or her way to make the parents have that "helpless" soft spot for them cos of perhaps their special traits, abilities, character in them that is missing in the others making them to be loved more. But then it is our duty as parents to love every child of ours even if not equally because we are still human but always make them know how much we love them by telling them every now and then. That WORD "I Love you" can never be said enough!

  10. "When parents say that they love all their children equally I laugh because I know that they are trying so hard to believe their own lies."Nope, not a lie. love is like a self replicating organism. It isn's a whole thing that once a option of it is gone, it can't be got back. It is the one thing that you can give 100 % of away and still have as much of it s possible to give away. The dude with the prodigal son in the bible loved both sons equally (and told his sulking son as much) but the manifestation of the love was different to suit their needs. I love my sons EQUALLY but how that love manifests depends on their personality and what they need of me at any point in time. There might be days one makes me prouder than the rest or one's attitude makes him not very likable at that point but I have never questioned my 100% EQUAL love for each and everyone of them. PS I also love their father 100 %

    Original Housegirl

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