More than a Drink

                  Photo credit: Foreign Eye

Marriage is for better or worse and I maintain that only one thing will make me walk away from Mr. Nwosisi; violence.

These days, spouses walk away for all sorts of reasons and I'm in no way judging anyone. The one who wears the shoe knows where it hurts. Some people may tolerate physical abuse but will flee at the mention of adultery.

I've also heard that a man walked away from his marriage because his wife served his food without meat. Lol. I share his pain.

Sometimes, it's a case of give the dog a bad name and hang it when some individuals get tired of their spouses.

Obika dated Osolum for four years, it was an on and off relationship which took a serious turn when they both went to serve their country in the compulsory National Youth Service Corp.

They were posted to different states and maybe it was the fear of losing each other that made their love stronger.  As soon as the service year was over. Obika proposed to Osolum. 

Seven years into the marriage and with three beautiful children, Obika forgot the vows he took and wanted out of the marriage.

Osolum knew that there was more to it; Obika changed drastically but would not talk to his wife about the sudden change.

In everything, Osolum remained patient. Obika stopped eating at home and faulted everything that happened in their home. 

His favourite meal of unripe plantain porridge suddenly became boring to him. 

He complained about Osolum's job, her clothes, hair and  even her parenting skills. On a really bad day, he called her fat.

After one year of giving Osolum all the hints he could think of, he decided to take the bull by the horn. What he didn't know was that Osolum had found his password, and seen his conversation with Daisy 

Obika had told this strange woman, Daisy that he no longer had feelings for his wife. It was Daisy who advised him to get his father involved to make the separation faster. 

Obika was an only son; his parents would always oblige him, so he travelled home to ask his father to return Osolum's bride price.

Obika's father was a renowned medical doctor and a private practitioner. He was standing with his staff in his hospital premises when his son drove into the compound. He was happy to see him but noticed that his son had a worried look on his face. 

He quickly ended his informal meeting to attend to his son. He listened to him as he narrated his ordeal in a loveless marriage. The old Professor was relieved to hear that what troubled his son was just his marriage and not life threatening. 

Obika stated stubbornly that he had made up his mind to send his wife packing. He had it all figured out; she had a good job so wouldnt need much help. He would get her a nice apartment, pay her a monthly upkeep for their children and also pay school fees. 

He had to be with Daisy who had the key to his happiness in between her legs. He met Daisy on an international flight, he had his vehicle parked at the airport and offered to drop her off at home. 

She invited him in for a drink but he had more than a drink. She was divorced by her husband because she didn't have a child. He felt pity for her and hated the man who was so mean to a beautiful lady like Daisy. 

He became her knight in shining armour, he wanted to change the world for her. Yeah right!

Obika's father was touched by his son's story. A loveless marriage is like prison and he wouldn't let his only son live in bondage with a woman he no longer loved. 

However, he asked his son to please let him carry out one mission before they would return the bride price to Osolum's family.

To be contd.. .


  1. Wow.... Very interesting read

  2. Chai, I love missions but this suspense better unravel quicker, gboo Amaka??

  3. You better finish this story fast. Waiting......

  4. Bia Amaka, biko I am not in the mood for hbp! Better finish this story tomorrow.

  5. Interesting, eager to get to the end

  6. Its fiction, I know, but it should still reflect reality. In reality, men in Igbo land(and in all Nigerian tribes, I suppose) do not return bride price when they want to leave their wives. It is women who do so when they want to leave because their parents (that is, the woman's) are the ones that received the bride price at the time of the performance of the marriage rites.

    Other than that, it is an interesting story.

  7. Dear unknown reader, thanks for your observation, the story is as real as real can be. I guess it should be the opposite of returning bride price. Thank you

  8. he was verbally abusive to Osolum, yet she persisted. why?

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