What is life?

What is life if full of care?
Man, here today, gone tomorrow.
Why bother or shed a tear?
For things we have or have to borrow.

The mornings are different
Without his prayers
The evenings and weekends will now be different 

His balcony has been empty 
And I feel it's sorrow 
Can almost hear it weeping
For its owner

The sound of his old voice saying hello
Now  only is an echo
I still hear it
But it sounds so low

What is life if full of care?
Man, here today gone tomorrow 
It's been ten days
I'm still in a daze

The texts no longer come 
Will never come again
For the faithful sender
Is now free from pain

From pain and sorrow
He's gone to rest
From bitter drugs and the nurses' needles
He's gone to rest

The play has ended
He acted his role
If he did it well 
It's his creator's call

It's the end of his show
And he's taken a bow
This life is over
Another one begins

Bless you and good morning 
The first words to all his texts
Amen and Amen. God bless you sir
Was my usual response 
He would always have the last say 
"It is well!"

Yes sir, it is well indeed!

You put up a good fight
Never complained 
Took it all in good faith
In joy and contentment

I saw your pain
For you hid it in vain
I saw your hands,
Darkened by medication
I saw through your smile
And into your heart,
Your desire to live 

You prefered laughter over pity
You wanted life over death
You discussed everything but the sickness
That ravaged your body

Thank you for your unusual  friendship
Thank you for your genuine love
You showed it, I felt it
And now I miss you

Good night sir. Yes, It is well!

Dedicated to my neighbour and friend 
Mr. Felix Olubunmi Oyefolu (Dec 22 1941 - May 8 2018)


  1. May his soul and the soul of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

  2. What a life! May his soul rest in peace. Amen

  3. May his soul find true rest in its Maker!

  4. ISO - RC Lagos21 May 2018 at 03:11

    May his soul rest in peace. The first line of the tribute reminds me of the poem - Leisure by William Henry Davies.

  5. May God continue to comfort his family this difficult period. Life is indeed transient. May God "teach us to number our days here on earth so that we can apply hearts to wisdom"

  6. Chai!Very touching and sad. Rest In Peace Sir!

  7. My condolences to the family of Mr. Felix Oyefolu. May his soul RIP

  8. That is a price all of us ,have to pay(death).on behalf of my family we say thank you all.

  9. Chioma Ebosie Nwachukwu22 May 2018 at 10:01

    Rest in peace Sir.

  10. Rest in perfect peace Sir. Amy,it is well.

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