Live with What?

                          Photo Credit: Pinterest

Tola should be excited about her upcoming wedding but she's not.  Obiudo is over a million yards of husband material. What really do we mean when we say that a man is a husband material? Good job, good looking, generous, caring, smart and hardworking?

These are the things we see and in my opinion should not be the only criteria used to measure a man who is eligible for marriage. 

Obiudo was everything mentioned and even more.  He was God-fearing and would never miss going to Church.  He was also very humble when he carried out his church duties you wouldn't tell that he was the number two man in a large organisation. 

Both families had grown close to each other and  preparations were already in high tempo. Tolu's friends all wanted to be in her shoes. Obiudo was the most decent young man ever. 

He graduated from the University with a first class and the company where he served as a youth corper gave him an immediate employment. 

He was the pride of his parents, the envy of his friends and the star of his company.  He also sang in the choir every other Sunday. His brethrens in Church loved him.

Another quality that Obiudo had was that he could cook for the world. He would go into the kitchen and cook a meal peculiar to any part of the world. He planned to own a restaurant as a retirement plan.

Tola met him when she attended a friend's thanksgiving service in the church where Obiudo worshipped. They got on like a house on fire; a match made in heaven.

From the get go, Obiudo made it clear to Tolu that he wanted her as a wife and not interested in a carnal relationship.

Dates were fixed, traditional wedding done and just a week to their Church wedding, Obiudo opens up to Tola on an issue that had bothered him since the day he met her.

He took her into his bedroom, held her to his chest and gave her the longest kiss ever. Tola was shocked; it had never happened. They promised to save "it" till their wedding night.

When they were both aroused, Obiudo pulled away from Tola. He let his belt loose and his pair of jeans fell to the floor. He pulled down his underwear, held his fully erect popsicle and with tears in his eyes asked Toa if she could live with it.

"Live with what?" She screamed. "I have a penis the size of a ten year old, Tola can you live with it?"

Tola could not believe her eyes, she had seen an adult penis before and it was nothing like what she was starring at.

Obiudo told her to walk away if she wanted to and he wouldnt begrudge her. She wept not because of the size of what she would have to live with but for how badly Obiudo felt.

She promised to be with him forever but when she got home that night she could not sleep.

In the morning she called Obiudo and called off the wedding....

To be continued 


  1. Why didn't he let her know way before the wedding.

  2. There are lots of things medicine and surgery can cure theses days ..... and lots of penis enlargement techniques.... But really he shouldn't have waited that long to tell her

  3. Why wait till the date of your wedding is fixed to tell her such a huge problem.....He is evil!!!! Pure wickedness!!!!

  4. What has size got to do with it? It is all about techniques!

  5. I feel for Obiudo

  6. Honestly this is a very sad situation but modern technology can help. It all depends on both parties agreeing to be by each other's side

  7. 😢 😢 😢

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