Tough call!

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Fredrick stood out in school, he was the serious one that all the teachers loved. He submitted his homework promptly, answered questions and always came out tops in his class.

In their most senior year, when every other person had a girlfriend or boyfriend to play romance, Fredrick never faltered.  He had a target; to be the best graduating student.  He worked hard at it and would never compromise.

He was every parent's dream and every teacher's delight. He learnt fast and was very hardworking.

For a really intelligent chap like Fredrick, he was too quiet, he  spoke  only if the teacher called his name and would watch other students argue without saying a word. The only way to know that he was following the conversation was by the different expressions on his face

Fredrick had just one close pal that he would chat with occasionally. Olingo had the same birthday as Fredrick and it was only natural for them to be friends as soon as they discovered what they had in common. 

Olingo would not be called a bright chap but being friends with Fredrick made him sit up. Fredrick on his part coached his friend very often especially when they had an examination or a test to sit for.

Ekwulo was the second smartest  boy in the class and he did not hide the fact that he hated coming second all the time.

He worked very hard and always put in extra hours every day after school. He found it annoying that Fredrick effortlessly got the first position all the time.

The only time he ever came first was when Fredrick missed some tests due to ill health.

Ekwulo was usually rude and unfriendly to Fredrck who was not in any way disturbed by his attitude.

It was their final year in Secondary when they had to sit for the Mock examinations in preparation for  the West African Senior Secondary Ceritificate Examinations  (WASSCE) that the unthinkable happened. 

Right under his desk, was a full sheet of paper with subject notes carefully written in tiny handwriting. It was glued to the bottom of the desk and the teacher who caught him clearly acted on a tip off.

In three days, Fredrick faced a disciplinary committee, he was found guilty and expelled from school.

Ekwulo was so happy  finally the truth was revealed; Fredrick wasn't a genius afterall, all through the years, he had deceived everyone. He was nothing but a common cheat. 

At no point did Fredrick try to defend himself. He accepted the verdict and as he put his belongings in his parents' car on the morning that he left school, His mother wept profusely.

Fredrick missed a year, he was enrolled in a public school the following year where he sat for the WASSCE. He made straight As and also smashed JAMB. He got admitted into a good University that same year.

Many years after, Fredrick who was a senior manager ran into Olingo in the bank where he worked.  It was a pleasant surprise as he had not set eyes on his friend since the day he left their secondary school. 

They rekindled their friendship and on a certain Friday evening as they chilled over bottles of beer, Olingo told Fredrick that he pasted the notes that got him in trouble.

He said he was just being mischievous and did not think that the penalty would be that serious.

They had argued the day before and Fredrick called him "dumb". It was his way of getting back at his friend.

Fredrick quickly paid for their drinks and left his friend at the bar. Olingo had a little too much to drink but said he felt better after telling Fredrick the truth; he had lived with that guilt for a very long time.

Fredrick always believed that it was Ekwulo who set him up. Little did he know that the enemy was the one he trusted.

Fredrick has not picked Olingo's call since the confession. He also says it will be very hard for him to forgive such an act which almost ruined his life.

He will never forget how his mother felt. The look on her face on that fateful day almost killed him. His father was too hurt to speak to him. He worked extra hard to make straight As just to prove his innocence. Thereafter, he won his father's love back.

He has vowed never to speak to  Olingo again.

Me: I truly understand why Fredrick feels the way he does. Putting it mildly, Olingo's action was evil. Nevertheless, we are mandated as Christians to forgive and forget. It's a really tough call! Olingo should make more efforts like helping clear Fredrick's name in their alma mater .


  1. That was a serious frame up. Ordinarily, Frederick can forgive Olingo after all by God's grace he was able breakthrough but he cannot forget the incidents in a hurry.

  2. Me. NEVER. I had the sane experience in my secondary school but my paper was taken before the exam was over. I did pass the subject but that day made me to become wiser during exams.

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