What bravery

I am a Christian, born and raised a Catholic. I am always ready to defend my faith and will go on a war of words with anyone who would dare question my beliefs. Sometimes it looks like I'm even ready to fight anyone who belittles my religion.

I consider myself a fearless Christian and a staunch Catholic. I attend Mass almost everyday; it has become an addiction. I receive Communion and I am a Mother Mary devotee. 

It's important to state some things about myself because with the heroic and saintly action of Leah Sharibu I have asked myself a very big question. 

"In the face of such evil, Amaka will you profess your faith and be killed or denounce your faith and live?"

The answer is not very encouraging, who will look after my children and what will happen to my husband and the rest of my family?

The bible says "be wise as a serpent" right? I'll rely on that passage and may denounce my faith and once I'm freed, I'll go before God in the Blessed Sacrament and pour my heart out to Him. I will go through all the penitential rites and spiritual cleansing that I can. More so, I will rely on God's sufficient mercy, I know that He will surely forgive me.

This very young girl saw freedom but chose to stay back in the jungle with perverts and evil men. She rejected the warmth of her mother's embrace for the company of total strangers. She gave up the comfort of her home for the cold and dirty dungeon of her captors. In the face of abuse, starvation, dangerous animals and even death Leah said Yes to Christ.  What bravery from this girl all for the sake of Christ. Leah I respect you!

You are a rare being of this generation and a living saint. Whatever happens, your place in heaven is sure. 

Leah Sharibu you are a true Christian and an inspiration! I applaud you and you have my full respect.

I celebrate this young lady as she turns 14 years old. Happy Birthday girl! I love you and I'm praying for you!


  1. It takes bravery and courage to really defend what we stand for and believe. She truly is a challenge to we Christians. A Muslim converted to Christian and yet when she believed, he was ready to die for what she believed in. Happy birthday Leah and RIP!

  2. May God grant her (and her family) strength . May our Mother intercede for her. She is indeed a modern day living saint

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