What do women really want?

                Photo credit: pinterest

Jim is a very good man not just in looks but also in character. He is a typical example of a good husband. The kind of man that ensures the total well being of his wife and children. He simply lived for his family and would stop at nothing to keep them happy and satisfied.

He is every woman's fantasy, his wife receives even before she asks and he shows  and showers her with love, affection and nice  gifts.

Jim has a successful business in the oil and gas servicing sector which allows him to be generous to all and sundry moreso  his wife. She has a garage with different beautiful vehicles at her disposal, a personal driver and personal assistant all at her beck and call.  Her husband simply provides everything for her and even placed her on a juicy salary. 

All that Jim requires from his extremely beautiful wife Uchendu was just to stay pretty and care for their lovely children.  One would think that any woman would be satisfied with such luxury but not Jim's wife; she wanted more than just to sit at home and be happy. What do women really want?

Twelve years into their happy marriage, noticing that his wife had become short tempered and easily agitated and sensing that she was unhappy Jim had a talk with Uchendu where she expressed her desire to do more with her life. 

They both decided that Uchendu would have to go bsck to school to upgrade her certificate on Midwifery. Her choice  destination was the United Kingdom and this was the beginning of their problems. 

Applications sorted and school fees paid,  off to the U.K. went Uchendu leaving her beautiful life and family behind. She was surprised at how quickly she adjusted to the life of a student. Of course she had a lovely flat, Jim travelled himself to put in  place everything that his wife needed to be comfortable .

Jim spoke to his wife several times every day but gradually the calls started to reduce. Jim noticed that it was him who called her more. It used to be the other way round. And then it got to the voice mail stage where he would leave a message and then wait up to two days before Uchendu returned his call. Even the FaceTime stopped happening. 

Jim was greatly troubled. He knew that there was a problem and so unannounced, he got on a plane and went to pay his wife a visit.

When he got down from the airport taxi he was filled with excitement, he had missed his wife and all of a sudden all the anger he felt turned to sweet anticipation of what he would do to her as soon as he sets his eyes on her. He would lift her off her feet and kiss her deeply for a long time and right there on the sofa take her away . 

He was imagining all sorts and smiling to himself when he started to hear someone screaming. At first he thought it was from a television but on getting closer to the door he realised it was from his wife's flat and it was Uchendu's voice. 

She wasn't screaming in pain but pleasure. He gently pulled out the spare key that he almost forgot to take and let himself into the flat. There on the same sofa with her legs spread so widely apart and a stranger on top of her, Uchendu screamed in a way he had never heard her scream.

Jim was not sure what to do but while his wife tried to grab a house coat, he left her with her lover and checked himself into a nearby hotel. He made a quick arrangement and flew with his wife back to Nigeria. As soon as they returned, he took her straight to her parents and did not allow her to see their children.

Uchendu explained that it was eight months into her program that she ran into Michael a childhood friend she had even forgotten about. The last time she saw him they were both below ten years. Michael's family relocated to another town and afterwards to the U.K. In no time the two became good friends and eventually lovers.

When she slept with him the first time, she felt so guilty but after some time it started to feel right and she could swear that she was in love until Jim walked in on them and everything ceased to make sense.

It was already eleven months into her nursing program and Jim said he had planned his vacation towards their wedding anniversary and did not go expecting to see what he saw.  He only wanted to surprise and make his wife happy.

Uchendu has literally been on her knees begging for a second chance but Jim is being adamant to forgiving his wife. His mother-in-law who has been looking after the children since her daughter travelled for her studies has tried to no avail to convince her son-in-law to forgive her daughter.

Uchendu blames herself and the devil for everything and is so ashamed of herself and says she is still in love with her husband and needs an advice on what to do. She had tabled the matter before the church and the village to help plead with her husband and yet without luck.

Jim in all his love for his sweet beautiful wife says he cannot be appeased for now not even by the Pope himself as he is going through an emotional trauma right now.

Me: This is a difficult one. I pray everything works out for them again for the sake of God and the innocent children who could be stigmatized later in life.


  1. That's the sad reality of our human experience. We are never satisfied with what we have even when it is the best or most. We always want what we dont have including things inferior to what we have. Our sense of value only gets straight when we finally lose or make a mess of what we already had. It may be too late by the time we realize it. Like they say, a content man is a happy man. Until you learn to be content...your desires will ruin you.

  2. I guess the lady should give him a little space and time to get over it cos not everyone can forgive immediately.

  3. They don't have to be married but both have a responsibility to raise their daughter

  4. 😀 the most annoying part was that she was screaming soo loud, Jim heard the pleasure cry from the airport...ah ah!

  5. Nne it's a pity but it can never work even if he forgives and takes her back the spark is gone from the marriage and things can never be the same

  6. That was a very big stab on Jim. With time he may forgive Uchendu but it may be difficult for him to forget. Uchendu should go back to God for intervention.

  7. Jim may come around but Uchendu needs to give him some time to heal.

  8. I do not know why am seeing things differently here but lets say this event actually happened the other way round, will it probably not be expected of the wife to forgive him and live with it or perhaps be justified that HE IS A MAN and naturally polygamous. Now it has happened this way, i still ask where is all the love that JIM is believed to have for UCHENDU? Is that love so weak that it cannot forgive UCHENDU his wife and give her a second chance or can it be said that his love was based on his wealth and the things he could give and provide his wife with at each point in time? Pls let no one get me wrong here and am not saying or supporting UCHENDU for betraying her husband but I want us to see it that it could have happened to anybody. Only pray that God will not allow temptations greater than us befall us mana onye o bialu si si akwugbuna ya...mmadu ka o ka abu! May God touch JIM to forgive and heal emotionally to bring back his wife. And Uchendu I suppose by now you have tasted that life you wanted to know which one was better for your marriage. WIVES BE SUBMISSIVE TO YOUR HUSBAND....

  9. I dont really understand what type of forgiveness she wants .. She followed her heart .. My advise she should just on and forget about the marriage .. She can still be friends with the husband and help raise their kids because its their responsibility .. But marriage. Forget it.

  10. This story reminds me of the many Igbo folktales where "disobedient" women, women who are not satisfied with just being wives and mothers , women who go to the market to trade (read : make money) when asked to stay home , are punished by something bad happening to them. I have always found such stories anti-feminist, anti-women . In the story of the woman who went to the market to trade when asked to stay home, she got bitten on the nose by a dog and lost her beauty (and presumably learned her lesson too late). In Igbo folk tales, men never get there comeuppance :) #justsaying

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